Saturday, 6 July , 2024
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau Archives - Iran News Daily
Trudeau: Plane crash could be avoided without tensions 14 Jan 2020

Trudeau: Plane crash could be avoided without tensions

TEHRAN (Iran News) – Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says the 176 victims of the Ukrainian plane crash recently shot down unintentionally by the Iranian military would be alive if there had been NO tensions in the region. “I think if there were no tensions if there was no escalation recently in the region, those […]

Trudeau: We Seek Full Cooperation of Iran 11 Jan 2020

Trudeau: We Seek Full Cooperation of Iran

TEHRAN (Iran News) – Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, responding to Iran’s statement that human error caused the downing of a Ukrainian airliner this week, said on Saturday that Canada sought a full investigation and full cooperation from the authorities in Iran. “Our focus remains closure, accountability, transparency, and justice for the families and loved […]