Monday, 22 July , 2024
Biden Archives - Page 5 of 9 - Iran News Daily
US must look in mirror before accusing Turks of genocide 27 Apr 2021

US must look in mirror before accusing Turks of genocide

Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has called on US President Joe Biden to reverse a decision to name the 1915 massacre of Armenians by the former Ottoman Empire “genocide,” warning that the declaration would harm bilateral ties.

US pledge to fight global warming as ‘very insufficient’ 24 Apr 2021

US pledge to fight global warming as ‘very insufficient’

The United States has faced criticism after returning to climate talks as part of attempts to end its international isolation, with activists saying Washington’s pledge to fight global warming is too little.

Biden Does Not Dare to Lift Sanctions 24 Apr 2021
By: Hamid Reza Naghashian

Biden Does Not Dare to Lift Sanctions

As the Vienna talks on the fate of rejoin of the U.S. to the JCPOA ended and all delegations returned their homes for making their decisions in their governments, some reports claim that the U.S. Administration does not want to remove all sanctions and it is just focusing on partial removal of sanctions and it is against what the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution has set as the redline for the negotiating team and they should be fully aware of the tricks and the game which is played by the Western side, especially by the U.S.

Iran wants full implementation of JCPOA, neither more nor less 22 Apr 2021

Iran wants full implementation of JCPOA, neither more nor less

Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani says what Tehran is seeking through the ongoing talks in Vienna is the full implementation of the 2015 nuclear accord, neither more nor less.

Republicans unveil largest package of Iran sanctions 22 Apr 2021

Republicans unveil largest package of Iran sanctions

Republicans in Congress have introduced legislation containing the “largest package” of sanctions against Iran to prevent the Joe Biden administration from potentially removing the sanctions that Washington reimposed against Tehran when it left a landmark nuclear agreement in 2018.

Trump warns over Biden moves encouraging Beijing Moscow coop 20 Apr 2021

Trump warns over Biden moves encouraging Beijing Moscow coop

Former US President Donald Trump warned against steps by the Biden administration that would encourage cooperation between Russia and China.

Biden created ‘catastrophe’ at US border by scrapping Trump’s policies 19 Apr 2021

Biden created ‘catastrophe’ at US border by scrapping Trump’s policies

The Republican governor of Florida has joined a chorus of criticism and opposition to US President Joe Biden's immigration policies, saying he created “a huge catastrophe at the southern border."

Czechs expel 18 Russian embassy staff, accusing ‘intel officers’ of 2014 depot blast 18 Apr 2021

Czechs expel 18 Russian embassy staff, accusing ‘intel officers’ of 2014 depot blast

The Czech Republic has announced the expulsion of 18 staff from the Russian embassy alleging that Russian intelligence services were involved in an ammunition depot blast in 2014.

Beijing censures ‘too negative’ US policy toward China 17 Apr 2021

Beijing censures ‘too negative’ US policy toward China

A top Chinese diplomat has denounced as “too negative" the US policy toward his country, saying the administration in Washington is more focused on confrontation rather than cooperation with Beijing.

Biden Border Coordinator Stepping Down Amid Record Surge of Migrants 10 Apr 2021

Biden Border Coordinator Stepping Down Amid Record Surge of Migrants

The Joe Biden administration's Southern Border coordinator will step down at the end of the month as officials continue to struggle with a large influx of migrants trying to enter the United States.