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army Archives - Page 5 of 7 - Iran News Daily
Syrian Army continues operations against terrorist positions in Damascus 21 Apr 2018

Syrian Army continues operations against terrorist positions in Damascus

The Syrian Arab Army continued targeting the positions of terrorist organizations in the Western Ghouta as part of the military operation for uprooting terrorism south of Damascus. SANA’s war correspondent said that on Friday evening, army units carried out intensive artillery and rocket attacks on terrorists’ hideouts based on intelligence data and meticulous reconnaissance, which […]

Iran sees no serious threat, general says 19 Apr 2018

Iran sees no serious threat, general says

TEHRAN – Kioumars Heydari, commander of the Army Ground Forces, said on Tuesday that Iran sees no serious foreign threat. “Today, the armed forces are ready and the enemies are aware of this preparedness. So, they [the armed forces] feel no serious threat against the system,” Heydari said in a televised interview. He said that […]

Iran’s Army to further equip rapid reaction forces 07 Apr 2018

Iran’s Army to further equip rapid reaction forces

The commander of Iran’s Army Ground Forces said Sat. that equipping rapid reaction forces as well as increasing the social status of the Army ground forces are top priorities for the Army this year. Brigadier General Kioumars Heidari made the remarks in a ceremony, attended by the Army commanders and deputy commanders as well as […]

Iran Army Chief Highlights Popular Support for Sacred Defense Goals 25 Mar 2018

Iran Army Chief Highlights Popular Support for Sacred Defense Goals

The Iranian nation’s allegiance to the Islamic Revolution’s goals and legacy of devotion left by the Sacred Defense would guarantee defeat of the US and termination of the Israeli regime in less than 25 years, Iran’s Army chief said. Speaking to Tasnim in Iran’s southwestern province of Khuzestan on Saturday, Major General Abdolrahim Mousavi highlighted […]

Iran armed forces delegation arrives in Qatar to attend MENC 13 Mar 2018

Iran armed forces delegation arrives in Qatar to attend MENC

An Iranian delegation of armed forces arrived in the Qatari capital to attend the Middle East Naval Commanders Conference (MENC). An Iranian defense delegation, headed by Deputy Commander of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) Navy Rear Admiral Ali Reza Tangsiri, arrived in Duha city of Qatar on Monday to take part in Middle East Naval Commanders Conference (MENC) […]

Hundreds of displaced families return home in Deir Ezzor 10 Mar 2018

Hundreds of displaced families return home in Deir Ezzor

Hundreds of displaced families have returned to their homes in the eastern countryside of Deir Ezzor province after the Syrian Arab Army restored security to the area and all the basic services were secured. More than 1,800 persons who were in the makeshift housing center at Gharibah in Badia al-A’shara have returned via buses secured […]

Iran’s Mohajer-6, Qaem bomb deadly weapons against terrorists 10 Feb 2018

Iran’s Mohajer-6, Qaem bomb deadly weapons against terrorists

 Iran has started mass production of Mohajer-6 drones equipped with Qaem precision-guided bombs to target the terrorists in their hideouts. In a ceremony on Monday February 5, 2018  in commemoration of the 40th anniversary of the victory of the Islamic Revolution and in the presence of Iran’s Defense Minister Brigadier General Amir Hatami, the Defense […]

Army overhauls 3 grounded jets 08 Feb 2018

Army overhauls 3 grounded jets

Three grounded jet trainers and fighter jets have been overhauled at Shahid Babaei Airbase concurrent with the Army Air Force Day. The three overhauled jets include F-14 and F-7 fighter aircraft, as well as a PC7 Turbo Trainer, according to commander of Shahid Babaei Airbase, Mohammad Jafar Tak. He maintained that the efforts put into […]

Afghan army destroys Taliban command center, defuses 30 bombs 06 Feb 2018

Afghan army destroys Taliban command center, defuses 30 bombs

The Afghan National Army (ANA) personnel destroyed a Taliban control and command center in a mountainous province and defused 30 improvised bombs, the Defense Ministry said Tuesday. “The ANA Air Force launched airstrikes on Monday in Wardoj district, Badakhshan province, destroying an enemy control and command center together with four vehicles and amount of weapons […]

Army wraps up massive drills along Makran coast 24 Jan 2018

Army wraps up massive drills along Makran coast

TEHRAN – The two-day large-scale joint military exercises codenamed ‘Muhammad Rasoulallah’ have wrapped up on Wed. with a march before Jamaran destroyer and in the presence of Army commander-in-chief Mousavi. The two-day large-scale joint military exercises codenamed ‘Muhammad Rasoulallah’ kicked off on Monday along the Makran coastal strip in the country’s southern and southeastern regions. […]