Saturday, 6 July , 2024
US sanctions making problems for Iranian people: Pres. Rouhani 05 Jul 2018

US sanctions making problems for Iranian people: Pres. Rouhani

President Hassan Rouhani described relations between Iran and Austria as amicable dating back to 160 years full of pride and stated that mutual trust is the greatest support for economic relations between Iran and Austria. Speaking at the meeting of business person of Iran and Austria on Wednesday in Vienna, President Hassan Rouhani said “today, some […]

Iran warns US of blocking Iran’s oil exports; ‘stop it or face the consequences’ 03 Jul 2018

Iran warns US of blocking Iran’s oil exports; ‘stop it or face the consequences’

The Iranian president has said that the US cannot go ahead with its plan of stemming Iran’s oil exports, calling on the American to go ahead with their plans if they can. “The Americans claim that they want to completely block Iran’s oil exports to zero but they don’t understand what they are saying because […]

A good start for Iranian women’s presence at stadiums 03 Jul 2018

A good start for Iranian women’s presence at stadiums

TEHRAN – The presence of women at Tehran’s Azadi stadium for a screening of Iran’s World Cup match against Spain on June 20 was a good start for other legitimate freedoms, Mohammad Mehdi Tondgooyan, deputy minister of sports and youth affairs, has said. Women’s presence at stadiums would help promoting legitimate freedom in other cultural, […]

Patience, piety leading cause of lasting, promising Revolution 30 Jun 2018

Patience, piety leading cause of lasting, promising Revolution

Leader of Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei has attended a graduation ceremony at Imam Hossein University on Saturday and delivered a speech to student officers and guards trainees. Upon entering the university premises, Leader of the Islamic Revolution paid homage to the Tomb of the Unidentified Martyrs in commemoration of the fallen soldiers of […]

Israeli forces kill Palestinian teen in occupied West Bank 27 Jun 2018

Israeli forces kill Palestinian teen in occupied West Bank

Israeli military forces have shot dead a Palestinian teenage boy in the central part of the occupied West Bank during clashes in protest at US President Donald Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem al-Quds as the capital of Israel. The Palestinian Ministry of Health announced in a statement that 17-year-old Musab Firas al-Tamimi sustained serious gunshot wounds on Wednesday as dozens of […]

Saudi Arabia overturns ban on women driving 24 Jun 2018

Saudi Arabia overturns ban on women driving

Saudi Arabian women celebrated being able to drive for the first time in decades Sunday, as the kingdom overturned the world’s only ban on female motorists, a historic reform expected to usher in a new era of social mobility. The move is part of Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman’s wide-ranging drive to modernise the conservative […]

Rouhani urges media to rally public opinion against outside pressure 21 Jun 2018

Rouhani urges media to rally public opinion against outside pressure

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said Wed. that national media can play an effective role in mobilizing the public opinion against targeted pressure by the enemies. Speaking in a meeting with IRIB chief and senior managers late on Wednesday, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani highlighted the significance of ‘social capital’, adding “promoting trust and solidarity between the […]

US Foreign Policy in Crisis 21 Jun 2018

US Foreign Policy in Crisis

In an article published early Thu., Iranian FM Mohammad Javad Zarif outlined aspects of the current US foreign policy that are detrimental to the entire international community, and a list of rightful demands of the Iranian people from the US, in response to Mike Pompeo’s 12 preconditions for Iran. Following the Trans-Pacific Partnership and the […]

Earth’s intact forests vanishing at accelerating pace: scientists 21 Jun 2018

Earth’s intact forests vanishing at accelerating pace: scientists

Earth’s intact forests shrank by an area larger than Austria every year from 2014 to 2016 at a 20 percent faster rate than during the previous decade, scientists said Wednesday as the UN unveiled an initiative to harness the “untapped potential” of the land sector to fight climate change. Despite a decades-long effort to halt […]

Trump orders halt to family separations 21 Jun 2018

Trump orders halt to family separations

President Donald Trump ordered an end to the separation of migrant children from their parents on the US border Wednesday, reversing a tough policy under heavy pressure from his fellow Republicans, Democrats and the international community. The spectacular about-face comes after more than 2,300 children were stripped from their parents and adult relatives after illegally […]