Saturday, 6 July , 2024
Successful reformation in Saudi Arabia far from a sure thing 13 Oct 2018

Successful reformation in Saudi Arabia far from a sure thing

As Aramco’s public offering has been halted, so has the hope in Saudi Arabia’s economic reforms, which according to the young Crown Prince of the country, were intended to fulfill the Arab dream. Saudi Aramco, officially the Saudi Arabian Oil Company, is one of the largest companies in the world by revenue and the most […]

Saudi Arabia looking horrific given the Khashoggi affair 13 Oct 2018

Saudi Arabia looking horrific given the Khashoggi affair

Saudi Arabia has seen large-scale domestic developments since King Salman came to power, and then along came Mohammad bin Salman with his radical views. Since then there has been slaughter and arrests and imprisonment of dissident opponents. Riyadh rulers don’t tolerate the slightest criticisms. Critics are seen as traitors by Saudi media and usually the […]

Bosnians Vote in Divisive Election Testing Potential EU Bid 07 Oct 2018

Bosnians Vote in Divisive Election Testing Potential EU Bid

 Bosnians were voting Sunday in a general election that could install a pro-Russian nationalist to a top post and cement the ethnic divisions of a country that faced a brutal war 25 years ago. The ballot is seen as a test of whether Bosnia will move toward integration in the European Union and NATO or […]

Afghanistan sends Afghan-Iranian movie “Rona, Azim’s Mother” to Oscars 06 Oct 2018

Afghanistan sends Afghan-Iranian movie “Rona, Azim’s Mother” to Oscars

 “Rona, Azim’s Mother”, a co-production between Afghanistan and Iran, has been submitted to the 91st Academy Awards in the best foreign language film category, the Persian service of ISNA reported on Thursday. The Tehran-based Afghan brothers Jamshid and Navid Mahmudi are the director and producer of the movie, whose story is set in Tehran. Starring […]

Cuban ambassador: The U.S. strategy is to provoke disappointment through economic hardship 03 Oct 2018

Cuban ambassador: The U.S. strategy is to provoke disappointment through economic hardship

In an exclusive interview, Mr. Alexis Bandrich Vega Cuban ambassador to Iran discussed a host of issues with Iranian Sites correspondent including the U.S. policy towards Cuba, the reason behind the popularity and even recent failure of some socialist governments as well as Tehran- Havana bilateral relations. Q: As the interview focuses mainly on the […]

China open to changes in BRI projects 02 Oct 2018

China open to changes in BRI projects

China has expressed its openness to the changes proposed by the new government in Islamabad and “will definitely follow their agenda” to work out a roadmap for BRI projects based on “mutual consultation”, Chinese envoy to Pakistan Ambassador Yao Jing said on Sunday. “It constitutes a process of discussion with each other about this kind […]

Not an easy time at all and no thanks to US 16 Sep 2018

Not an easy time at all and no thanks to US

The world waits to see what the Syrian Arab Army and allies are going to do now that the “West” has warned it will attack Syria if there’s a full scale assault on the terrorists in Idlib. I would humbly suggest surrounding Idlib with a single exit corridor for civilians and starve al-Qaeda and the […]

Did the Far-right Really Win the Sweden’s Elections? 15 Sep 2018

Did the Far-right Really Win the Sweden’s Elections?

General elections were held in Sweden on Sunday 9 September 2018, to elect the 349 members of the Sweden Parliament (Riksdag). They in turn will elect the Prime Minister of Sweden. Regional and municipal elections were also held on the same day. Sweden has been facing a political impasse after its mainstream center-left and center-right […]

Bolton attack on ICC: A legal suicide by U.S. 15 Sep 2018

Bolton attack on ICC: A legal suicide by U.S.

On Sept. 10, John Bolton, the national security advisor to Donald Trump, made a harsh attack against the International Court of Justice (ICC), calling it “illegitimate” and a body that it is “dead” for the U.S. Established in 2002 under the Rome Statute, the ICC is the world’s first permanent court established to prosecute war […]

Thomas Bach welcomes Iran’s NOC President Salehi Amiri 15 Sep 2018

Thomas Bach welcomes Iran’s NOC President Salehi Amiri

 Reza Salehi Amiri, President of Iran’s National Olympic Committee (NOC), was warmly received by International Olympic Committee (IOC) President Thomas Bach at the IOC headquarters in Lausanne, Switzerland. In the meeting, Bach praised the rise of women’s sport in Iran and expressed delight at the involvement of young people in sports. Bach also pointed to […]