Friday, 5 July , 2024
Child brides, sufferers of the lost childhood 09 Jan 2018

Child brides, sufferers of the lost childhood

TEHRAN – Katayoon was playing with other girl children at the yard when her mother called her in. Katayoon knew that they have guests that day, her aunt and her family. When Katayoon entered the room everybody was clapping cheerfully and they were congratulating her cousin, Manouchehr. Katayoon, 10, became very happy because she liked […]

Disregarding child abuse heightens social vulnerability 08 Jan 2018

Disregarding child abuse heightens social vulnerability

TEHRAN — Child abuse or child maltreatment, includes neglect, physical abuse, sexual abuse, exploitation and emotional abuse which would seriously harm a child or increase risks of serious harm to a child that could result in injury or death. The maltreatment or neglect can be done by a parent or another caregiver at home, at […]

Assembly of Experts thanks Iranian nation for foiling plots 06 Jan 2018

Assembly of Experts thanks Iranian nation for foiling plots

TEHRAN– Iranian Assembly of Experts issued a statement on Saturday sympathizing with the bereaved families and condemning the rioters of the recent unrest in some cities of Iran. After a week of riots in some cities of Iran, Iranian Assembly of Experts issued a statement on Saturday offering sympathies to those families who have lost […]

ECB governor calls for tax, regulation on bitcoin 05 Jan 2018

ECB governor calls for tax, regulation on bitcoin

A top European Central Bank official on Wednesday called for governments to regulate and tax bitcoin, labelling the cryptocurrency an object of speculation and a tool for money laundering. “One ought to apply what the basic rule is in any other financial transaction: everyone involved should reveal their identity,” ECB governing council member Ewald Nowotny […]

Attorney Gen. names Micheal D’Andrea as mastermind of Iran’s unrest 04 Jan 2018

Attorney Gen. names Micheal D’Andrea as mastermind of Iran’s unrest

TEHRAN– Attorney General Montazeri on Thu. revealed that the mastermind behind the eruption of protests in the country was a US-Israeli-Saudi think tank that had been plotting for the rallies since four years ago. Mohammad Jafar Montazeri, Iran’s Attorney General, revealed the details about a think tank responsible for the week-long protests in several cities […]

ECB governor calls for tax, regulation on bitcoin 03 Jan 2018

ECB governor calls for tax, regulation on bitcoin

A top European Central Bank official on Wednesday called for governments to regulate and tax bitcoin, labelling the cryptocurrency an object of speculation and a tool for money laundering. “One ought to apply what the basic rule is in any other financial transaction: everyone involved should reveal their identity,” ECB governing council member Ewald Nowotny […]

Erdogan calls on US, Israel not to ‘escalate tensions’ 30 Dec 2017

Erdogan calls on US, Israel not to ‘escalate tensions’

TEHRAN– Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Saturday urged the US and Israeli regime to “not take steps that will escalate the tensions.” The Turkish president’s remarks were broadcasted as a video message during the 16th Islamic Circle of North America-Muslim American Society Convention in Chicago, Illinois — one of the largest Muslim gatherings in […]

Raising hope, assisting development major revolutionary ideals 29 Dec 2017

Raising hope, assisting development major revolutionary ideals

President Hassan Rouhani referred to the speech given by the leader of Islamic revolution on Wednesday and stated that the major revolutionary ideals today are removing gaps, raising hope and assisting material and spiritual development of the country. President Hassan Rouhani called government officials, the elite and the media the real addressees of Ayatollah Khamenei’s […]

In MbS’s kingdom, Saudis will see what despotism is really like 29 Dec 2017

In MbS’s kingdom, Saudis will see what despotism is really like

For decades, no Saudi ruler has drawn world attention the way the current crown prince, Mohammed bin Salman, has done. Interest in him is not confined to the Arab world but has gripped the entire world. He has even been suggested as the political personality of the year, whether because of the influence he wields […]

State-run organizations obliged to recruit persons with disabilities 27 Dec 2017

State-run organizations obliged to recruit persons with disabilities

TEHRAN — As per an article of the bill on rights of persons with disabilities Majlis (the Iranian parliament) has mandated state-run organizations to recruit persons with disabilities. The article specifies that some 30 percent of the posts in state-run organizations must be allocated to physically challenged people. While hammering out the general outlines of […]