Friday, 5 July , 2024
City council in pursuit of #Tehran_without_plastic 06 Apr 2018

City council in pursuit of #Tehran_without_plastic

TEHRAN – Tehran’s city council has launched #Tehran_without_plastic campaign in a bid to fight detrimental effects of plastics on the environment, ISNA reported on Wednesday. Inviting all citizens to join the campaign, the city council’s head of health commission Nahid Khodakarami emphasized that the challenge of plastics can be solved through public awareness and participation. […]

Iran, Russia, Turkey issue joint statement on Syria settlement 05 Apr 2018

Iran, Russia, Turkey issue joint statement on Syria settlement

In a joint statement issued Wed. at Ankara summit, presidents of Iran, Russia and Turkey that “the Astana format had been the only effective international initiative that had helped reduce violence across Syria.” President of the Islamic Republic of Iran Hassan Rouhani, President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin and President of the Republic of […]

Leader urges nation to support domestic production 03 Apr 2018

Leader urges nation to support domestic production

TEHRAN – Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has called on the entire Iranian nation to dedicate their efforts to promoting domestic production in line with resistance economy. In a speech aired immediately after the turn of the Persian calendar year on March 20, the Leader extended New Year felicitations to all Iranians […]

Stop Making Stupid People Famous 23 Mar 2018

Stop Making Stupid People Famous

Today’s communication technology provides an environment where users can share their thoughts and works of art either instantaneously or retrospectively. This environment, called social media, alongside being entirely virtual and user-based, adds a different dimension to interaction by bringing the masses together. Both scientific research and personal observations indicate that day by day users spend […]

US unable to create security in region: Ayat. Khamenei 22 Mar 2018

US unable to create security in region: Ayat. Khamenei

Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei, the Leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran addressed a large gathering of people at Imam Reza Mausoleum in Mashhad where he lashed out at American policies in the region. “No country in the world is as independent as Iran where many people freely disagree with the Iranian Establishment and nobody […]

All reconstructed houses must be delivered to people by summer 21 Mar 2018

All reconstructed houses must be delivered to people by summer

The President appreciated the people and all provincial and state officials, the armed forces and the Basij for addressing the earthquake-hit areas and stressed the importance of building earthquake-resistant buildings, underscoring the point that all the reconstructed houses in Kermanshah province should be delivered people by summer. Dr Hassan Rouhani attended the Administrative Council of […]

1396 the year of great Iranian nation’s success in various fields :Rouhani 21 Mar 2018

1396 the year of great Iranian nation’s success in various fields :Rouhani

In his televised Nowruz address, President Rouhani described year 1396 as the year of success for the great Iranian nation in various fields despite the wish of the enemies and said: “The unity among the Iranian nation has surprised all enemies and they admitted to the greatness of our people”. Kermanshah province, President Hassan Rouhani […]

Tea in Iranian Culture 18 Mar 2018

Tea in Iranian Culture

The kettle contains tea, one of the most important cornerstones of Iranian culture, and the tea house is its centuries-old keeper. Tea production is a major industry in the Caspian Sea area and a large part of its economy. Before 1900, there was no tea production in Iran, but in 1895, an Iranian diplomat named […]

Movies from Iran to compete in Annecy festival 18 Mar 2018

Movies from Iran to compete in Annecy festival

TEHRAN — Two Iranian animated films will be competing in the Annecy International Animation Film Festival, which will run in the French city from June 11 to 16. “Run, Rustam, Run” by Hossein Molayemi will be competing in the perspective short films category, and “Mr. Deer” by Mojtaba Musavi is an entry in the short […]

Next intl. meeting on Syria to be held in mid-May 17 Mar 2018

Next intl. meeting on Syria to be held in mid-May

As recounted in the joint statement issued by the foreign ministers of the three guarantor states of Syrian peace-process in Astana, the next high-level meeting on Syria will be held in mid-May 2018. The trilateral meeting between the foreign ministers of Iran, Russia, and Turkey, as the three guarantor states of peace in Syria, kicked […]