Thursday, 26 September , 2024
Endemic plant effective in reducing gastric cancer cells 20 Jul 2021

Endemic plant effective in reducing gastric cancer cells

The results of a study on gastric cancer cells showed that the extract of “Provskia abrotanoides” plant can reduce the number of cancer cells in the culture medium.

Relief Foundation provides marriage counseling to 222,000 youths 20 Jul 2021

Relief Foundation provides marriage counseling to 222,000 youths

Imam Khomeini Relief Foundation has provided free marriage counseling services to 222,000 individuals over the past [Iranian calendar] year (March 2020- March 2021), Ali Jafari, Deputy head of the Foundation for cultural affairs has announced.

Wetlands’ volume detected for first time nationwide 20 Jul 2021

Wetlands’ volume detected for first time nationwide

The Department of Environment (DOE) in cooperation with knowledge-based companies detected the volume of wetlands across the country through a combination of aerial photography and satellite images.

Iranian knowledge-based products enter Russian market 19 Jul 2021

Iranian knowledge-based products enter Russian market

Iran inaugurated a house of innovation and technology in Russia on Tuesday to find new markets for domestic knowledge-based products in the region, ISNA reported.

Flood hits 10 provinces, leaving 6 dead, 2 missing 19 Jul 2021

Flood hits 10 provinces, leaving 6 dead, 2 missing

TEHRAN (Iran News) –  Flood hits 10 provinces, leaving 6 dead, 2 missing. Torrential rain has triggered flooding in 10 provinces across the country, leaving six dead and two missing so far, Mehdi Valipour, head of Relief and Rescue Organization affiliated to the Iranian Red Crescent Society (IRCS), has stated. Some 30 cities in 10 […]

Farabi International Award announces 37 winners 19 Jul 2021

Farabi International Award announces 37 winners

The 12th Farabi International Award (FIA) on the Humanities and Islamic Studies announced 37 winners during the closing ceremony held on Sunday.

1,100 villages with no unemployed 18 Jul 2021

1,100 villages with no unemployed

By the end of the current [Iranian calendar] year (March 2022), the number of villages with no unemployed residents will reach 1,100 across the country.

UN provides humanitarian aid to help fight COVID in Iran 18 Jul 2021

UN provides humanitarian aid to help fight COVID in Iran

With the contribution of the EU Humanitarian Aid, the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) procured 1,000 ventilators to help Iran fight against the pandemic.

Over 140 national macro technology projects launched 18 Jul 2021

Over 140 national macro technology projects launched

Some 141 national macro technology projects have been launched across the country until June 21, according to the Center for National Macro Technology Projects.

COVIRAN vaccine beats Delta variant 18 Jul 2021

COVIRAN vaccine beats Delta variant

COVIRAN BAREKAT coronavirus vaccine proved effective against Indian strain, Hojjat Niki-Maleki head of the information center of Headquarters for Executing the Order of the Imam twitted on Saturday.