Iranian universities offer education to Afghan girls
Three universities have expressed readiness to enroll hundreds of Afghan girls after the Taliban banned female students from higher education.
Tehran, Caracas to develop technological co-op
Medicines, vaccines, agricultural products, environmental products, medical equipment, information technology, and telecommunications are the fields of cooperation between Iran and Venezuela.
13th Anniversary of Pro-Islamic Republic Rallies Marked in Tehran
Thousands of people have demonstrated in the Iranian capital of Tehran to commemorate the 13th anniversary of the 2009 nationwide rallies that put an end to post-election unrest back then and renewed the nation’s allegiance to the Islamic establishment.
Caesarean delivery 3 times the global standard
In Iran, the rate of Cesarean Sections (CS) is 55 percent, which is 3 times the global standard, Saber Jabari, Head of the Youth Department of the Ministry of Health has announced.
Roadmap developed for environmental protection
A roadmap for environmental protection has been developed, Rouhollah Naqdipour, the secretary of the strategic council of the Department of Environment, has announced.
Iran is the last hope for Asiatic Cheetah: expert
There is hope that Iran can indeed manage to save Asiatic Cheetah, as succeeded in the past in saving other species to healthy and steady populations
Hope raises for ‘Omid’ survival
The International Crane Foundation (ICF) has introduced a young female Siberian crane as the best candidate for companionship with ‘Omid’, the last survivor of the Siberian crane.
Iranian nanotechnology products target 48 countries
Iranian nanotechnology companies exported their products to 48 countries around the world over the past Iranian calendar year (March 2021-March 2022), IRNA reported on Tuesday.
45 Iranian institutions among world’s greenest
Forty-five universities of Iran have been listed among the top 1,000 green institutions worldwide, according to the University of Indonesia Green Metric overall ranking 2022.
Iran to host WMO regional climate center
The first regional climate center (RCC) in West Asia and the fifth regional climate center of the Asian continent will be established in Iran with the support of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO).