Friday, 27 September , 2024
Israeli Forces Detain 2 Palestinians in West Bank 18 May 2020

Israeli Forces Detain 2 Palestinians in West Bank

Israeli forces rounded up two Palestinians in a raid in the occupied West Bank, according to local residents.

Indian pilgrims stranded in Iran go back home 17 May 2020

Indian pilgrims stranded in Iran go back home

A group of Indian pilgrims stranded in Iran due to the cancelation of flights as a precautionary measure against the Covid-19 outbreak, returned home.

Georgia Rally Demands Justice for Arbery 17 May 2020

Georgia Rally Demands Justice for Arbery

Justice for Ahmaud Arbery, a black man killed during a pursuit by a white man and his son in Georgia, isn’t just prison time for his killers.

Police Arrest 19 at London Protest against Social Distancing 17 May 2020

Police Arrest 19 at London Protest against Social Distancing

London police arrested 19 people on Saturday for deliberately breaking social distancing guidelines in protest against the rules.

Mental Health Services Facing ‘Tsunami’ of People amid COVID-19 16 May 2020

Mental Health Services Facing ‘Tsunami’ of People amid COVID-19

Mental health services face a "tsunami" of cases following the COVID-19 lockdown, a leading psychiatric body in Britain has warned.

India: 23 Migrants Die in Truck Crash Going Home 16 May 2020

India: 23 Migrants Die in Truck Crash Going Home

A truck crammed with migrant laborers trying to reach their distant homes amid a nationwide lockdown happened to crash in northern India on Saturday, killing at least 23 and injuring 35.

Surges in children immune disorder linked to COVID-19 16 May 2020

Surges in children immune disorder linked to COVID-19

Europe and the United States have seen sharp surges in recent weeks of a severe immune disorder in children linked to COVID-19.

UN Chief Warns of Growing Psychological Suffering from Coronavirus 14 May 2020

UN Chief Warns of Growing Psychological Suffering from Coronavirus

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres urged governments, civil society, and health authorities Wednesday to urgently address mental health needs arising from the coronavirus pandemic, warning that psychological suffering is increasing.

Chinese Jilin City in Lockdown to Contain Coronavirus 13 May 2020

Chinese Jilin City in Lockdown to Contain Coronavirus

The Chinese city of Jilin has imposed travel restrictions, closed-off residential areas, and banned gatherings after a number of coronavirus cases were confirmed.

UN: 6,000 Children Death per Day Due to Impact of Coronavirus 13 May 2020

UN: 6,000 Children Death per Day Due to Impact of Coronavirus

As many as 6,000 children around the world could die every day from preventable causes over the next six months due to the impact of coronavirus on routine health services.