Thursday, 26 September , 2024
Almost Two Third of US Disapproves of Response to Coronavirus 14 Sep 2020

Almost Two Third of US Disapproves of Response to Coronavirus

Almost 2 in 3 Americans disapprove of US President Donald Trump’s handling of the coronavirus pandemic, according to a poll released Sunday.

Smiling Trick Your Mind to Be Positive 14 Sep 2020

Smiling Trick Your Mind to Be Positive

Smiling can trick your mind into being more positive, according to a new study.

Ministry: Observing Health Protocols Declining in Iran 14 Sep 2020

Ministry: Observing Health Protocols Declining in Iran

Iran’s Health Ministry spokeswoman Sima Sadat Lari said on Sunday that the average compliance with health protocols in the country has been declining in recent weeks.

Asymptomatic Children Can Spread COVID-19 to Adults 13 Sep 2020

Asymptomatic Children Can Spread COVID-19 to Adults

Asymptomatic children can transmit COVID-19 to adults, research by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has confirmed.

India’s Coronavirus Cases Surpass 4.6mln after Record Surge 12 Sep 2020

India’s Coronavirus Cases Surpass 4.6mln after Record Surge

India’s confirmed coronavirus tally crossed 4.6 million after a record surge of 97,570 new cases in 24 hours.

Refugees Sleep Rough on Island of Lesbos after Camp Moria Fire 10 Sep 2020

Refugees Sleep Rough on Island of Lesbos after Camp Moria Fire

Thousands of refugees slept rough on the Greek island of Lesbos for a second night after a fire razed the country's largest camp to the ground.

Obesity Could Be Related to More COVID-19 Mortality 09 Sep 2020

Obesity Could Be Related to More COVID-19 Mortality

Obesity may be one reason some countries or communities have been hit hard by the coronavirus, researchers say.

COVID-19 to Increase Child Mortality: UN 09 Sep 2020

COVID-19 to Increase Child Mortality: UN

The United Nations said Wednesday, warns that COVID-19 could reverse decades of progress in reducing child mortality.

UN Says Saudi’s Khashoggi Verdict ‘Parody of Justice’ 08 Sep 2020

UN Says Saudi’s Khashoggi Verdict ‘Parody of Justice’

The Saudi prosecutor's verdict on the 2018 murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi in Istanbul a parody of justice which spared high-level plotters.

Iran’s Public Free Insurance Doubled in 7 Years: Minister 08 Sep 2020

Iran’s Public Free Insurance Doubled in 7 Years: Minister

The number of the country’s rural and nomadic families covered by Public Free Insurance had nearly doubled in seven years reaching 1.4 million.