Monday, 22 July , 2024
Govt. launches 12 support packages to neutralize US sanctions 14 Oct 2018

Govt. launches 12 support packages to neutralize US sanctions

The Head of Management and Planning Organization Mohammad Bagher Nobakht said Sat. the Iranian government has prepared 12 support packages in the face of looming US sanctions. “After we realized the US administration would re-impose its sanctions against us in two batches, the government designed 12 support packages to counter these sanctions,” Mohammad Bagher Nobakht said […]

Trump vows ‘severe punishment’ if Riyadh behind missing journalist 14 Oct 2018

Trump vows ‘severe punishment’ if Riyadh behind missing journalist

 The US President Donald Trump said that Saudi Arabia could be behind Jamal Khashoggi’s disappearance and, if so, the US would impose “severe punishment.” He made the remarks in an interview with CBS’ ’60 Minutes’, the full version of which will be aired on Sunday. Trump said that Saudi Arabia has denied playing a part […]

Pre. Rouhani officially marks beginning of new academic year 14 Oct 2018

Pre. Rouhani officially marks beginning of new academic year

 Iranian President Hassan Rouhani participated in a ceremony at Tehran University to mark the start of the academic year. The ceremony hosts Minister of Science, Research and Technology Mansour Gholami, Minister of Health and Medical Education Seyyed Hassan Ghazizadeh Hashemi, Vice-President for Science and Technology Sorena Sattari, and a group of university and student figures. Meanwhile, some university heads, […]

National currency to regain its value by help of Iranian nation 13 Oct 2018

National currency to regain its value by help of Iranian nation

 Secretary of the Expediency Council and former IRGC commander Mohsen Rezaei has referred to the current economic situation, saying the Iranian nation will get through the difficulties and help the national currency regain its lost value. In a Friday post on his Twitter account, Rezaei wrote, the national currency’s value depends on several factors including, […]

Senior Iranian MP urges talks with anti-Trump movements in U.S. 13 Oct 2018

Senior Iranian MP urges talks with anti-Trump movements in U.S.

Majlis National Security and Foreign Policy Committee Chairman Heshmatollah Falahatpisheh has said that Iran should follow diplomacy of negotiation with movements inside the U.S. which are opposed to President Donald Trump’s policy toward Iran. There are movements in the U.S. which are against Trump and believe that he is making the U.S. isolated, Falahatpisheh told […]

Iran able to defend West Asia under 12 minutes 13 Oct 2018

Iran able to defend West Asia under 12 minutes

 Chief of the Islamic Revolution Guard Corps (IRGC) Mohammad Ali Jafari said on Friday that the Islamic Republic enjoys the military power to defend West Asia in less than 12 minutes. Responding to U.S. President Donald Trump’s recent anti-Iran remarks, Jafari told Yemeni TV channel Almasirah that Donald Trump was wrong when he said Iran’s […]

Leader says serious and pragmatic decisions must be made to solve economic problems 13 Oct 2018

Leader says serious and pragmatic decisions must be made to solve economic problems

Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said on Wednesday that “pragmatic” and “serious” decisions must be made to solve economic problems. “In order to resolve some of the key economic issues like problems in the banking system, liquidity, unemployment, inflation and budgeting process, pragmatic and serious decisions must be made,”  Ayatollah Khamenei said […]

Iraq’s Parliament Speaker Condemns Anti-Iran Sanctions 10 Oct 2018

Iraq’s Parliament Speaker Condemns Anti-Iran Sanctions

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The speaker of Iraq’s parliament, Mohammed Al-Halbousi, condemned the sanctions imposed on Iran, also saying the stability of Iraq and Iran is integrated. In a meeting with Iranian Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani in Turkey on Tuesday, Halbousi said his country is opposed to foreign sanctions against Iran and condemns them. Voicing the […]

Speaker Larijani Urges Launch of Iran-Bulgaria Joint Fund 10 Oct 2018

Speaker Larijani Urges Launch of Iran-Bulgaria Joint Fund

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iranian Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani called for setting up a joint fund with Bulgaria to boost bilateral trade interaction. In a Tuesday meeting with his Bulgarian counterpart on the sidelines of a conference of Eurasian states’ parliaments in Turkey’s Antalya, Larijani stressed the need for implementing the idea of establishing an Iran-Bulgaria […]

Iran’s UN Envoy Blasts US for Penalizing Those Honoring UNSC Resolution 10 Oct 2018

Iran’s UN Envoy Blasts US for Penalizing Those Honoring UNSC Resolution

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iran’s Ambassador to the United Nations Gholam Ali Khoshroo slammed the US government’s withdrawal from multilateral and international agreements and its move to penalize the UN members abiding by a Security Council resolution that endorses the 2015 Iran nuclear deal. Addressing a meeting of the Sixth Committee (Legal) of the 73th Session […]