Wednesday, 3 July , 2024
  • Spokesman Raps Harassment of Iranian Voters in West 02 Jul 2024

    Spokesman Raps Harassment of Iranian Voters in West

    The spokesperson for Iran’s Foreign Ministry abhorred the offensive treatment of Iranian voters in the June 28 presidential election in a number of Western countries, which he said claim to be advocating democracy and freedom and speech.

Trace of women’s growth in next year’s budget bill 18 Dec 2018

Trace of women’s growth in next year’s budget bill

 The budget bill for the next fiscal year (starting March 21, 2019) has proposed policies regarding improvement of women’s condition in the country, Masoumeh Ebtekar, vice president for women’s and family affairs, has said. One of the duties assigned to the department for women and family affairs in the Sixth Five-Year Development Plan (2016-2021), is […]

‘Rohingya refugees want to go back home but with safety and dignity’ 18 Dec 2018

‘Rohingya refugees want to go back home but with safety and dignity’

Prof. Nasir uddin is a cultural anthropologist based in Bangladesh, and professor of anthropology at Chittagong University. He has been working with Rohingya people in the borderland of Bangladesh and Myanmar for more than two decades and has written on the Rohingya refugee situation extensively in the form of both academic and popular pieces. His […]

‘Iran expects EU to extend Airbus OFAC license to deliver purchased aircrafts’ 18 Dec 2018

‘Iran expects EU to extend Airbus OFAC license to deliver purchased aircrafts’

Farzaneh Sharafbafi, the managing director of Iran Air, Iran’s national flag carrier, said on Monday that Iran expects EU to get the U.S. approval for extending the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC)’s license for importing the airplanes Iran bought from Airbus. Speaking in a press conference, the official mentioned the deals Iran Air […]

Red Sea legal regime: Spider’s dream against Iran won’t be realized 18 Dec 2018

Red Sea legal regime: Spider’s dream against Iran won’t be realized

On Wednesday, December 12, Saudi Arabia’s Riyadh hosted the first Arab-African conference of foreign ministers of six countries bordering the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden, a strategic area vital to global shipping. Representatives from Egypt, Djibouti, Somalia, Sudan, Yemen, and Jordan gathered in Riyadh to discuss the initiative. The Red Sea is a […]

‘Those who violated nuclear deal are fake supporters of human rights’ 18 Dec 2018

‘Those who violated nuclear deal are fake supporters of human rights’

 In an open reference to the Trump administration, Ali Akbar Nategh Nouri said on Monday that those who violated the 2015 nuclear deal, known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, are “fake supporters of human rights”. “We announced to the world that we seek peace and stood up for the JCPOA,” Nategh Nouri, a […]

FM spox rejects claims of SPV only covering humanitarian products 17 Dec 2018

FM spox rejects claims of SPV only covering humanitarian products

Foreign Ministry Spokesman Ghasemi said Mon. that the EU-Iran trade mechanism, aimed at bypassing US sanctions against Tehran, is not restricted to transactions regarding medicine and food products. Bahram Ghasemi made the remark in his weekly press conference on Monday in response to a question about the credibility of the claims that the the Iran-EU […]

Iran after peace, stability in region 17 Dec 2018

Iran after peace, stability in region

Head of Iran’s Strategic Council on Foreign Relations Kamal Kharrazi said Iran seeks peace and stability in the region, adding “resorting to military option to stabilize the region is by no means effective.” Addressing a seminar on ‘peace and stability in West Asia; one region, one fate’ on Monday, Kharrazi said everyone acknowledges that Iran is […]

Iran-Iraq trade volume could be doubled: envoy 17 Dec 2018

Iran-Iraq trade volume could be doubled: envoy

Iran’s Ambassador to Iraq Iraj Masjedi said on Sunday that the two neighboring countries have the capacity to double their trades in the coming years. Noting that currently, Iran’s non-oil trade with Iraq stands at around $10 billion, Masjedi said the amount could reach $20 billion by adding to the revenues of oil and gas […]

Foreign, intelligence ministries need to pursue issues of Iranians’ traveling to Georgia 17 Dec 2018

Foreign, intelligence ministries need to pursue issues of Iranians’ traveling to Georgia

 Chairman of National Security and Foreign Policy Commission of Iranian Parliament Heshmatollah Falahatpisheh said Sun. that Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Intelligence Ministry need to take into account the issue of mistreatment and disrespect against Iranian tourists traveling to Georgia. With regard to mistreatment of Tbilisi airport’s authorities towards Iranian nationals in the South Caucasian country, Heshmatollah […]

Zarif: Blame Saudi Arabia and U.S. for regional instability 17 Dec 2018

Zarif: Blame Saudi Arabia and U.S. for regional instability

Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif has rejected the label of the world’s top sponsor of terrorism ascribed to Iran by Saudi Arabia and the U.S. In an interview with CNBC on Saturday at the Doha Forum in Qatar, Zarif accused Riyadh and the U.S. of fomenting “dangerous escalations” in the Middle East. “I think actions […]