Wednesday, 3 July , 2024
  • Spokesman Raps Harassment of Iranian Voters in West 02 Jul 2024

    Spokesman Raps Harassment of Iranian Voters in West

    The spokesperson for Iran’s Foreign Ministry abhorred the offensive treatment of Iranian voters in the June 28 presidential election in a number of Western countries, which he said claim to be advocating democracy and freedom and speech.

Baqeri-Darmani, corrupt tycoon, executed 23 Dec 2018

Baqeri-Darmani, corrupt tycoon, executed

 As part of efforts to root out corruption, Hamidreza Baqeri-Darmani was executed early on Saturday on charges of “corruption on the earth”, ISNA reported. According to his verdict, Baqeri-Darmani had committed criminal acts for many years by forming a band and was charged with forgery, collusion, and bribery. In October, the Judiciary announced that Baqeri-Darmani […]

IRGC cmdr slams those who help arrogant powers interfere in region 22 Dec 2018

IRGC cmdr slams those who help arrogant powers interfere in region

Major General Gholam Ali Rashid, the commander of Khatam al-Anbiya headquarters, said those who pave the way for the interference of Arrogant powers in the region, pay the highest price for their malicious behavior. Major General Rashid, who has attended the massive military maneuvers code-named the ‘Great Prophet-12’ in the Persian Gulf in western Iran, […]

US presence in region always a destabilizing factor: spox 22 Dec 2018

US presence in region always a destabilizing factor: spox

Foreign Ministry Spokesman Ghasemi reacted to the US’ announcement on withdrawing troops from Syria, saying Washington’s presence in the region is always a destabilizing factor. Answering a reporter’s question on a recent decision by the United States to withdraw its military forces from Syria, Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Bahram Ghasemi said the arrival and presence […]

US government set to shuts down over border wall disputes 22 Dec 2018

US government set to shuts down over border wall disputes

 The US federal government partially shut down after members of Congress failed to resolve disputes over $5 billion in spending for President Donald Trump’s border wall. Trump had previously said he would be “proud’ to shut down the government unless he received the $5 billion he is seeking to fund the construction of a barrier […]

Final stage of ‘Great Prophet-12’ massive drills kicks off in Persian Gulf 22 Dec 2018

Final stage of ‘Great Prophet-12’ massive drills kicks off in Persian Gulf

The ground forces of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) kicked off the final stage of massive military maneuvers code-named the ‘Great Prophet-12’ in the Persian Gulf. The IRGC Ground Forces are holding the final stage of eight-day large-scale military drills, code-named the ‘Great Prophet-12’ in the Persian Gulf region. The drills, which started on […]

Envoy lauds political successes in UN resolution on Yemen 22 Dec 2018

Envoy lauds political successes in UN resolution on Yemen

 Iranian Ambassador to London, Hamid Baeidinejad, has hailed the two important political successes achieved in a new resolution that was endorsed by the UN Security Council on Yemen on Friday. “After several days of lengthy negotiations between UN Security Council Member States and the countries concerned, the Security Council has endorsed a new resolution on […]

All uninvited forces should leave Syria, Iran says 22 Dec 2018

All uninvited forces should leave Syria, Iran says

Es’haq Al-e- Habib, the Iranian deputy ambassador to the UN, said on Friday that all foreign forces whose presence is not permitted by the Syrian government should leave the country. In an address to the United Nations Security Council meeting on the Middle East, he said that the sovereignty, independence, unity and territorial integrity of […]

Iran, Turkey express dismay over regional impacts of sanctions 22 Dec 2018

Iran, Turkey express dismay over regional impacts of sanctions

Iran and Turkey issued a joint statement on Thursday criticizing the U.S. move in leaving the 2015 nuclear deal and ordering sanctions on Iran. They said Washington’s decision will negatively influence economic relations between regional countries. The statement was issued at the end of the High Council for Iran-Turkey Strategic Cooperation in Ankara chaired by […]

Iranian President Starts Turkey Visit 20 Dec 2018

Iranian President Starts Turkey Visit

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani arrived in Ankara on Wednesday night for an official visit. Heading a high-ranking political and economic delegation, the Iranian president has travelled to the neighboring country at the invitation of his Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdogan to attend the fifth round of Iran-Turkey high council of strategic cooperation. During the 2-day […]

Iran Urges Close Media Cooperation with Afghanistan 20 Dec 2018

Iran Urges Close Media Cooperation with Afghanistan

Iran’s Foreign Ministry spokesman stressed the need for the enhancement of cooperation between the news media of Iran and Afghanistan. A media delegation from Afghanistan held a meeting with Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Bahram Qassemi at the Ministry’s building in Tehran on Tuesday. In the meeting, the spokesman underlined the need for the expansion of […]