Zarif, Guterres Discuss US Sanctions, Yemen
In a telephone conversation on Saturday, Zarif and Guterres held talks about the unilateral American sanctions against Iran.
Vatican Urges US to Lift Sanctions amid Pandemic
The Vatican said it has talked to US officials regarding Washington’s sanctions against Iran amid the outbreak of the deadly coronavirus in the country.
Coronavirus test-kit production at 400K monthly
Vice-President for Science and Technology Sourena Sattari announced on Saturday that some 400,000 coronavirus test kits are produced in Iran per month.
Traffic schemes annulled in major cities
Health Minister Saeed Namaki announced on Saturday that, under the framework of implementing 'social distancing' plan, traffic schemes in Tehran and other major cities have been cancelled.
Iran to Export COVID-19 Test Kits
Iranian Vice President for Science and Technology Sorena Sattari inaugurated a plant manufacturing coronavirus diagnostic test kits, saying the export of the homegrown device will begin in the near future.
Taliban, US Commander Meet amid Tensions over Peace Progress
The Taliban met with the commander of US forces in Afghanistan to call for an end to an increase in American attacks since a peace deal signed in February.
US Senator: Trump Musn’t Block Iran Loan Request
A senior Democratic senator urged US President Donald Trump not to block Iran's request for a $5bn loan from the IMF.
South Korea to resume humanitarian exports to Iran
South Korea is pushing for a resumption of humanitarian trade transactions with Iran amid the coronavirus outbreak.
Should Iran ask directly for sanctions relief?
US officials have claimed that Iran never asked for sanctions relief.
Iran welcomes Iraq New Prime Minister
Foreign Ministry of Iran has felicitated Iraq on the nomination of a new prime minister-designate.