Wednesday, 3 July , 2024
Myanmar Playing Diplomatic Card  to Avert UN Censure Over Rohingya 10 Sep 2017

Myanmar Playing Diplomatic Card to Avert UN Censure Over Rohingya

Myanmar said on Wednesday it is negotiating with China and Russia to ensure they block any UN Security Council censure over the violence that has forced an exodus of nearly 150,000 Rohingya Muslims to Bangladesh in less than two weeks.Myanmar leader Aung San Suu Kyi blamed “terrorists” for “a huge iceberg of misinformation” on the […]

Democrats Threaten to Sue President Over DACA 10 Sep 2017

Democrats Threaten to Sue President Over DACA

Democratic attorneys general across the country have threatened to sue US President Donald Trump over his decision Tuesday to rescind the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, opening another front in the growing legal war between blue states and the Republican administration.The Trump administration said Tuesday it was ending an Obama-era program allowing young people […]

End of Deir al-Zor Siege Major Step in Fight Against Terror 10 Sep 2017

End of Deir al-Zor Siege Major Step in Fight Against Terror

The breaking of the Deir al-Zor siege is an important step in the fight against terrorism in Syria, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov told reporters on Wednesday.“Indeed, it is an important milestone in the war on terror in Syria —the siege of Deir al-Zor has been broken, where the Syrian troops and civilians remained besieged […]

Wife of Israeli PM May Face Indictment for Fraud 10 Sep 2017

Wife of Israeli PM May Face Indictment for Fraud

Israel’s attorney general is considering indicting the wife of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Sara, on suspicion of using state funds for personal dining and catering services amounting to some $100,000, the justice ministry said on Friday.The ministry statement said the attorney general was considering prosecuting Sara Netanyahu for offences that include fraudulently procuring items, fraud […]

Genocide  in Myanmar 10 Sep 2017

Genocide in Myanmar

An estimated 270,000 Rohingya have sought refuge in Bangladesh over the past two weeks, the UN refugee agency said on Friday, announcing a dramatic jump in numbers fleeing violence in neighboring Myanmar’s Rakhine State.A rights group said satellite images showed about 450 buildings had been burned down in a Myanmar border town largely inhabited by […]

New fires in Rohingya village refute Myanmar government claims 08 Sep 2017

New fires in Rohingya village refute Myanmar government claims

Journalists who have toured villages in a crisis-stricken state in Myanmar have reported new fires burning in a village that has been abandoned by Rohingya Muslims, casting further doubt on government claims that the Muslims are burning down their own homes. About two dozen journalists monitoring the developments in northern Rakhine State on a government-controlled […]

China defends Pakistani anti-terror bids following Trump’s criticism 08 Sep 2017

China defends Pakistani anti-terror bids following Trump’s criticism

China’s top diplomat has defended Pakistan’s anti-terrorism measures following assertions by US President Donald Trump that Islamabad fosters militants attacking American and Afghan military forces. “The government and people of Pakistan have made huge sacrifices in the fight against terrorism and such efforts and sacrifices are there for everyone to see,” said Chinese Foreign Minister […]

ISIL war minister killed in Syria 08 Sep 2017

ISIL war minister killed in Syria

About 40 ISIL militants, including four influential warlords which some are US trained, were destroyed in Russian air strike near Deir Ezzor, Russian Defense Ministry revealed Friday. Terrorist commanders were holding a meeting at the command post near Deir Ezzor, the Russian Ministry of Defense said in a statement. The ministry said that on September […]

Rajoy vowes to prevent Catalonia independence referendum 08 Sep 2017

Rajoy vowes to prevent Catalonia independence referendum

Condemning the actions of Catalan separatist politicians, Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy vowed to prevent Catalonia independence referendum. Madrid and Barcelona are on a crash course, with the Catalan government vowing to hold a referendum on Oct. 1 which yesterday passed a bill outlining the details of the poll, which Rajoy called “illegal”. “The referendum […]

US military strike would be ‘a very sad day for North Korea’: Trump 08 Sep 2017

US military strike would be ‘a very sad day for North Korea’: Trump

A US military strike against North Korea would be “a very sad day for North Korea,” President Donald Trump has said. Speaking at a news conference in the White House in Washington, DC, on Thursday, Trump said a military action against Pyongyang is still on the table while said that “nothing’s inevitable.” “Military action would […]