Wednesday, 3 July , 2024
Abe Says Will Call Snap Parliamentary Election 26 Sep 2017

Abe Says Will Call Snap Parliamentary Election

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe announced Monday he will call a snap election for parliament’s more powerful lower house for next month.Abe said at a news conference that he will dissolve the chamber on Thursday when it convenes after a three-month summer recess. The election is to be held Oct. 22, AP reported.Support ratings for […]

Aerial Footage Shows US Troops Present in IS-Held Areas in Syria 26 Sep 2017

Aerial Footage Shows US Troops Present in IS-Held Areas in Syria

The photographs that the Russian Defense Ministry published on Sunday on its Facebook page provide compelling evidence that the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) and US troops that support them are present in Syria’s areas held by the self-styled Islamic State terrorist group, the ministry said Monday.Russian Defense Ministry’s spokesman Major General Igor Konashenkov said that […]

German Vote Could Harm Merkel-Macron Deal on Europe 26 Sep 2017

German Vote Could Harm Merkel-Macron Deal on Europe

Weakened by the worst result for her party since 1949 and facing a more fractious political landscape at home, Germany’s Angela Merkel could be forced to rein in plans to re-shape Europe together with France’s Emmanuel Macron.Merkel’s conservatives garnered more support than any other party in the German election on Sunday, projections showed, ensuring that […]

China Urges Restraint Amid US, N. Korea War of Words 26 Sep 2017

China Urges Restraint Amid US, N. Korea War of Words

China on Monday called for all sides in the North Korea missile crisis to show restraint and not “add oil to the flames” amid an exchange of increasingly bellicose rhetoric between US President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un.North Korean Foreign Minister Ri Yong Ho told the UN General Assembly on Saturday […]

Iraq refuses talks with Kurds about referendum results 26 Sep 2017

Iraq refuses talks with Kurds about referendum results

The Iraqi government will not hold talks with the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) about the results of Monday’s ‘unconstitutional’ referendum on independence in northern Iraq, Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi said. “We are not ready to discuss or have a dialogue about the results of the referendum because it is unconstitutional,” Abadi said in a […]

Israeli settlement activities go on despite Security Council resolution: UN 26 Sep 2017

Israeli settlement activities go on despite Security Council resolution: UN

The UN has said that Israel’s settlement activities are continuing at “at a high rate,” despite demands by the Security Council for the Tel Aviv regime to end its expansions. “Israel’s illegal settlement activities have continued at a high rate, a consistent pattern over the course of the year,” said the UN envoy for the […]

French Truck Drivers Blocking Highways to Protest Macron’s Labor Reform 25 Sep 2017

French Truck Drivers Blocking Highways to Protest Macron’s Labor Reform

TEHRAN – On Monday, French truck drivers went on strike against the labor reforms approved by President Emmanuel Macron last week. French truck drivers are blocking highways and fuel depots in a strike against the labor reforms approved by President Emmanuel Macron last week, according to media reports. The protests are simultaneously taking place in […]

‘Trump’s Secret Yemen War’: UK Role in US Counter-Terrorism Causes Unease 25 Sep 2017

‘Trump’s Secret Yemen War’: UK Role in US Counter-Terrorism Causes Unease

TEHRAN – Donald Trump has more than doubled the number of covert US airstrikes in Yemen compared with the final year of Barack Obama’s presidency, new estimates show. The rise, combined with Trump’s rollback of Obama-era safeguards, has sparked renewed concern from MPs and human rights groups over the UK’s role in US counter-terrorism operations, […]

Afghans Not Going to Profit US Mining in Afghanistan 25 Sep 2017

Afghans Not Going to Profit US Mining in Afghanistan

TEHRAN  – The people of Afghanistan are not going to profit from US mining rare-earth minerals there, US journalist and foreign policy strategist Michael Hughes said. “It is always going to be the elite in that country and the foreign corporations” that benefit the mining in Afghanistan, Hughes said in an exclusive interview with Russia […]

Man Arrested near White House Had Cache of Weapons in Car 25 Sep 2017

Man Arrested near White House Had Cache of Weapons in Car

TEHRAN – A man who was arrested near the White House Sunday morning was found to have nine guns and three knives in his car, according to a police report. The man was initially stopped by law enforcement for allegedly urinating in public. Secret Service Uniform Division officers approached the man outside an art gallery […]