Wednesday, 3 July , 2024
Clashes Erupt between Taliban, Daesh North of Afghanistan 04 Oct 2017

Clashes Erupt between Taliban, Daesh North of Afghanistan

TEHRAN – Daesh (also known as ISIS or ISIL) elements in Afghanistan attacked the Taliban controlled region north of Afghanistan in which 14 militants from both sides were killed. According to local officials, Daesh elements ambushed two villages of ‘Gardan’ and ‘Shirbeyk’ in the Qush Tapa district of northern Jawzjan province on Tuesday. In the […]

Al Nusra Leader in Critical Condition Following Russian Airstrike 04 Oct 2017

Al Nusra Leader in Critical Condition Following Russian Airstrike

TEHRAN  – Russia’s Aerospace Forces have critically wounded HTS leader and former Al Nusra Front ’emir’ Abu Mohammad al-Julani in Syria. Russia’s Aerospace Forces have critically wounded HTS leader and former Al Nusra Front ’emir’ Abu Mohammad al-Julani in Syria, and killed 12 field commanders of the terrorist group which controls Idlib Governorate. “As a […]

Iraqi ex-president, veteran Kurdish politician Jalal Talabani dies at 83 04 Oct 2017

Iraqi ex-president, veteran Kurdish politician Jalal Talabani dies at 83

Former Iraqi president and leader of the country’s Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) Jalal Talabani has died at the age of 83 in Germany, his party officials say. “Our leader died in Germany,” an official with Talabani’s (PUK) said on Tuesday. Talabani was transported to Germany along with his wife and two children after his […]

EU Parliament Votes to Delay Brexit Negotiations 03 Oct 2017

EU Parliament Votes to Delay Brexit Negotiations

TEHRAN – The European Parliament has voted to say that Brexit talks should not move on to the next stage as there has been no “sufficient progress.” MEPs on Tuesday morning backed a motion by 557 votes to 92 that said negotiations should not be allowed to progress to the future relationship between the UK […]

Syria Army Recaptures Several Areas in Homs 03 Oct 2017

Syria Army Recaptures Several Areas in Homs

TEHRAN – Syria’s army and its allies continued to make gains in the military campaign against Daesh (ISIL) in Homs, managing to liberate several areas from the control of the terror group in the central province. Syrian forces on Monday established control over the villages of al-Qasimiyeh, al-Shemalieh, Rabe’a, and Mghezel northeast of Jub al-Jarrah […]

Turkey says Spanish Territorial Integrity Is key 03 Oct 2017

Turkey says Spanish Territorial Integrity Is key

TEHRAN  – Turkey’s foreign ministry spokesman says respect for Spain’s territorial integrity is a main “principle.” Huseyin Muftuoglu said in a statement issued early Tuesday that it was important that both sides abide by Spain’s laws and avoid violence. His comment follows Sunday’s independence referendum in Catalonia that Spain’s courts deemed illegal. More than 800 […]

Catalans stage strike to slam Spanish police crackdown during referendum 03 Oct 2017

Catalans stage strike to slam Spanish police crackdown during referendum

Large groups of people in Catalonia have gone on strike across the region in protest at the violent crackdown by Spain’s national security forces on the Catalan voters attending an independence referendum on the weekend. The Tuesday general strike was called by more than 40 unions and associations in the region under the umbrella organization […]

Trump admin set to expel 60 percent of Cuban diplomats 03 Oct 2017

Trump admin set to expel 60 percent of Cuban diplomats

The administration of US President Donald Trump is reportedly preparing to expel nearly two-thirds of embassy staff in Cuba, days after cutting down the number of US diplomats in the Caribbean country due to mysterious health “attacks.” Washington was going to officially relay the request to Havana on Tuesday, the Associated Press reported citing government officials. The […]

Trump Calls Las Vegas Shooting ‘Act of Pure Evil’ 03 Oct 2017

Trump Calls Las Vegas Shooting ‘Act of Pure Evil’

TEHRAN – US President Donald Trump on Monday called the shooting on the Las Vegas strip that killed more than 50 people an “act of pure evil.” In a somber address to the nation from the Diplomatic Room at the White House, Trump said Americans are joined in “sadness, shock and grief” at the attack — the […]

Kremlin Comments on Catalan Independence Referendum 02 Oct 2017

Kremlin Comments on Catalan Independence Referendum

TEHRAN  – Russia is consistent in its stance that the Catalan referendum is Spain’s domestic affair, Russian president’s press secretary Dmitry Peskov said on Monday. “As for the developments in Spain, as you have correctly noted, Moscow’s consistent position is that it is a domestic affair of the kingdom,” Peskov told journalists, TASS news agency […]