Wednesday, 3 July , 2024
Iran has not lived up to ‘spirit’ of nuclear deal: Trump 06 Oct 2017

Iran has not lived up to ‘spirit’ of nuclear deal: Trump

Donald Trump has accused Iran of not acting in keeping with the international nuclear deal, 10 days before the US president has to report to Congress whether or not Tehran is complying with the 2015 accord. “They have not lived up to the spirit of the agreement,” Trump declared during a meeting with senior military […]

NAM Urges World States to Reinforce Human Rights Norms 05 Oct 2017

NAM Urges World States to Reinforce Human Rights Norms

TEHRAN  – The Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) called on all countries to fulfill their obligations and help promote global respect for human rights norms. “The NAM Members also reiterate that human rights, the rule of law and democracy are interdependent and mutually reinforcing. All states should fulfil their obligations to promote universal respect for and observance […]

NAM voices support for Palestine’s bid for full UN membership 05 Oct 2017

NAM voices support for Palestine’s bid for full UN membership

The Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) has reaffirmed support for the full membership of the state of Palestine in the United Nations, saying the oppressed Palestinian nation should be given its rightful place in the world community. In a Wednesday statement issued on behalf of the NAM, Es’haq Al-e-Habib, Iran’s deputy permanent representative to the UN, said […]

France ready for mediation between Baghdad and Iraqi Kurds: Macron 05 Oct 2017

France ready for mediation between Baghdad and Iraqi Kurds: Macron

French President Emmanuel Macron says Paris is ready for mediation between Iraq and its Kurdish region seeking secession from the mainland, emphasizing the need to protect the Arab country’s “territorial integrity.” In a joint presser with visiting Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, Marcon said dialog was the only solution to the dispute between Baghdad and Iraq’s […]

Macron’s Sharp Tongue Throws French Twitter into a Frenzy 05 Oct 2017

Macron’s Sharp Tongue Throws French Twitter into a Frenzy

TEHRAN – Emmanuel Macron, who at the age of 39 has brought youth and vigor to the French presidency, is also developing a reputation for stinging and sometimes off-message language. During a visit to a struggling company in the south-west of France on Wednesday, Macron was caught on video discussing clashes outside between the police […]

Russia to Complete Its Missile Warning Radar Network by 2019 05 Oct 2017

Russia to Complete Its Missile Warning Radar Network by 2019

TEHRAN  – Russia will complete the creation of a network of the Voronez early warning radars by 2019, the commander-in-chief of the Russian Space Forces, Col. Gen. Alexander Golovko, told reporters on Wednesday. “Work continues to create new radars of the missile attack warning system in the Republic of Komi and the Murmansk Region,” the […]

Tillerson called Trump a ‘moron,’ weighed resigning in summer over policy disputes 04 Oct 2017

Tillerson called Trump a ‘moron,’ weighed resigning in summer over policy disputes

US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson has denied reports that he referred to President Donald Trump as a “moron” after a meeting in July and was on the verge of resigning amid mounting policy disputes with the White House. US Vice President Mike Pence and other top officials intervened to persuade Tillerson not to resign, […]

Prankster Interrupts British PM May’s Keynote Party Speech 04 Oct 2017

Prankster Interrupts British PM May’s Keynote Party Speech

TEHRAN  – A prankster, who has previously targeted US President Donald Trump and former FIFA president Sepp Blatter, interrupted British Prime Minister Theresa May’s keynote speech at her annual conference on Wednesday. British comedian Simon Brodkin, who uses the stage name Lee Nelson, handed a P45 letter, a document given to employees when they leave […]

Israeli Spy Agency behind Kurdish Independence Vote 04 Oct 2017

Israeli Spy Agency behind Kurdish Independence Vote

TEHRAN– Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who is in Iran on an official visit, said the recent decision by Iraq’s semi-autonomous Kurdistan Region to hold an independence referendum was taken in consultation with the Israeli spy agency Mossad. Speaking at a joint press conference with his Iranian counterpart, Hassan Rouhani, in Tehran on Wednesday, Erdogan […]

Putin Urges Rejection of Double Standards Policy in Fighting Terrorism 04 Oct 2017

Putin Urges Rejection of Double Standards Policy in Fighting Terrorism

TEHRAN  – Russian President Vladimir Putin called on the international community to reject the policy of double standards in fighting terrorism. “We support a complex approach in countering terrorism, proliferation of its ideology, financing of illegal armed groups, rejecting the policy of double standards in fighting the main threat of modern times,” Putin said at […]