Wednesday, 3 July , 2024
California Wildfires Kill 31 14 Oct 2017

California Wildfires Kill 31

The death toll from raging California wildfires rose to 31 Thursday as body recovery teams used cadaver dogs to locate victims, making it the deadliest series of blazes in the state’s history.The fires, which began on Sunday, have swept through California, leaving thousands of people homeless and burning over 190,000 acres (76,000 hectares) of land, […]

Armed Attack Kills Six Soldiers  in Egypt 14 Oct 2017

Armed Attack Kills Six Soldiers in Egypt

Six Egyptian soldiers were killed on Friday when gunmen attacked a checkpoint in the Sinai Peninsula where Egypt is fighting an insurgency, an army statement said. Attacks targeting security forces have been common since Egypt’s Islamist president Mohamed Mursi was ousted in 2013 following mass protests against his rule, Reuters reported. “Armed terrorists attacked one […]

US and Israel Withdraw From UNESCO 14 Oct 2017

US and Israel Withdraw From UNESCO

The US has announced it will withdraw from the United Nations Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), accusing the body of “anti-Israel bias”.Heather Nauert, US State Department spokesperson, said on Thursday the US would establish an “observer mission” to replace its representation at the Paris-based agency, Al Jazeera reported.In a statement announcing its withdrawal, Israel called […]

Turkey Deploys Troops to Syria’s Rebel-Held Idlib 14 Oct 2017

Turkey Deploys Troops to Syria’s Rebel-Held Idlib

Turkey announced Friday it had deployed dozens of soldiers in the Syrian province of Idlib as part of its efforts to establish a de-escalation zone to stop fighting in the largely militant-controlled northwestern region.The deployment also appeared to be aimed at preventing the expansion of Syrian Kurdish militia backed by the United States, but considered […]

Myanmar Army Chief Says Rohingya Muslims ‘Not Natives’ 14 Oct 2017

Myanmar Army Chief Says Rohingya Muslims ‘Not Natives’

Rohingya Muslims are not native to Myanmar, the army chief told the US ambassador in a meeting in which he apparently did not address accusations of abuses by his men and said media was complicit in exaggerating the number of refugees fleeing.The UN human rights office said on Wednesday Myanmar forces had brutally driven out […]

Fatah, Hamas Sign Reconciliation Accord 14 Oct 2017

Fatah, Hamas Sign Reconciliation Accord

Rival Palestinian factions Hamas and Fatah signed a reconciliation deal on Thursday after Hamas agreed to hand over administrative control of Gaza, including the key Rafah border crossing, a decade after seizing the enclave in a civil war.The deal brokered by Egypt bridges a bitter gulf between the western-backed mainstream Fatah party of Palestinian President […]

Catalan Leader Urged to Definitively Declare Independence 14 Oct 2017

Catalan Leader Urged to Definitively Declare Independence

Catalonia’s leader faced mounting pressure Friday from all sides, with hardliners in the separatist movement demanding he declare independence from Spain once and for all. Spain’s government and the European Union, on the other hand, want him to abandon the secession plans altogether.Spain’s deputy prime minister blamed Catalan president Carles Puigdemont for creating such economic […]

Kurds on High Alert as Iraqi Forces Mass Near Kirkuk 14 Oct 2017

Kurds on High Alert as Iraqi Forces Mass Near Kirkuk

The Kurdish Regional Government has deployed thousands of troops around the disputed oil city of Kirkuk for fear of an attack by Iraqi government army and militia, a senior official said.“Thousands of heavily armed peshmerga units are now completely in their positions around Kirkuk,” a top aide to Kurdistan regional president Masoud Barzani posted on […]

Majority of Americans Say Trump Not Honest 13 Oct 2017

Majority of Americans Say Trump Not Honest

Just 24% of Americans believe the country is heading in the right direction after a tumultuous stretch for President Donald Trump that included the threat of war with North Korea, stormy complaints about hurricane relief and Trump’s equivocating about white supremacists. That’s a 10-point drop since June, according to a poll from The Associated Press-NORC […]

North Korea Preparing Long-Range Missile Test 13 Oct 2017

North Korea Preparing Long-Range Missile Test

North Korea is preparing to test a long-range missile which it believes can reach the west coast of the United States, a Russian lawmaker just returned from a visit to Pyongyang was quoted as saying on Friday.Anton Morozov, a member of the Russian lower house of parliament’s international affairs committee, and two other Russian lawmakers […]