Thursday, 4 July , 2024
US president in no position to terminate Iran’s nuclear deal 14 Oct 2017

US president in no position to terminate Iran’s nuclear deal

European Union foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini says the US president is not in a position to terminate Iran’s nuclear deal with world powers. Shortly after US President Donald Trump officially announced on Friday that he would not certify the nuclear deal, known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), Mogherini stressed that the […]

Putin Says World’s ‘Most Urgent’ Tasks in Syria 14 Oct 2017

Putin Says World’s ‘Most Urgent’ Tasks in Syria

Russian President Vladimir Putin has called on the international community to facilitate the resolution of the Syrian crisis under the leadership of the UN, saying that Moscow will continue its efforts to stabilize the situation in the region. The Russian leader said Moscow “will continue making a contribution within its powers, including in the Syrian […]

Metro, Roads Disrupted in Catalonia Pro-Independence Protests 14 Oct 2017

Metro, Roads Disrupted in Catalonia Pro-Independence Protests

Metro stations were closed in Barcelona, pickets blocked roads and state workers walked out on Tuesday in protests across Catalonia over a Spanish police crackdown on an independence referendum.The stoppages, in response to a call for a general strike by pro-independence groups and trade unions, affected the public sector, public transport and basic services, Reuters […]

Trump refuses to certify Iran nuclear deal 14 Oct 2017

Trump refuses to certify Iran nuclear deal

US President Donald Trump has refused to certify the international nuclear agreement with Iran and warned he might ultimately terminate it, in defiance of other world powers and undermining a landmark victory of multilateral diplomacy. Speaking from the White House on Friday, Trump said he will choose not to certify that Tehran is complying with […]

Rohingya Refugees Scorn at  Myanmar Assurance on Going Home 14 Oct 2017

Rohingya Refugees Scorn at Myanmar Assurance on Going Home

Rohingya Muslims in Bangladesh were skeptical on Tuesday about their chances of ever going home to Myanmar, even though the government there has given an assurance it would accept people verified as refugees.More than half a million Rohingya have fled from a Myanmar military crackdown in Rakhine State launched in late August that has been […]

Russia to Step Up Anti-Terror Coop. in Syria With Turkey, Iran 14 Oct 2017

Russia to Step Up Anti-Terror Coop. in Syria With Turkey, Iran

Russia is set to step up close cooperation with Turkey and Iran to counter terrorist groups in Syria and Iraq, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said in an interview with Pan-Arab newspaper Asharq Al-Awasat on Wednesday.Lavrov said Moscow’s daily practical cooperation with Ankara and Tehran at all levels illustrates that “Turkey and Iran play, in […]

Strong Chances UK Gov’t Could Collapse Over Brexit No Deal 14 Oct 2017

Strong Chances UK Gov’t Could Collapse Over Brexit No Deal

Scotland’s Brexit minister believes there is a “pretty strong” chance Britain will leave the European Union with no deal, but that the UK government could collapse before then.Michael Russell said the devolved pro-independence Scottish administration is trying to prepare for Brexit, despite Scots having voted against it, but possible outcomes are “legion”, Reuters reported.“I think […]

Four Turkish Soldiers Killed  in PKK Attack 14 Oct 2017

Four Turkish Soldiers Killed in PKK Attack

Four Turkish soldiers were killed and four others were injured in a roadside bomb blast staged by Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) militants on Wednesday in southeastern Turkey The explosion took place in Hakkari Province, the Daily Sabah said, adding that the injured soldiers were taken to a local hospital, Sputnik reported. A counter-terror operation was […]

Draft UN Blacklist Names Saudi  Coalition for Killing Yemeni Children 14 Oct 2017

Draft UN Blacklist Names Saudi Coalition for Killing Yemeni Children

A confidential draft United Nations blacklist seen by Reuters on Tuesday names a US-backed Saudi Arabia military coalition for killing and maiming children in Yemen, though it notes that the alliance has put in place measures to improve child protection.In an effort to dampen controversy surrounding the annual children and armed conflict report, the draft […]

Iraq Forces Push Into IS Bastion Hawija 14 Oct 2017

Iraq Forces Push Into IS Bastion Hawija

Iraqi forces pushed into the self-styled Islamic State terrorist group stronghold of Hawija on Wednesday, commanders said, stepping up their assault against one of the militants’ last enclaves in the country.Government and allied forces backed by a US-led coalition launched an offensive last month to oust IS from Hawija, a longtime insurgent bastion, AFP reported.The […]