American liberation style: Terror, Sanction, Sedition
The United States has been involved in hundreds of wars, invasions, coups and conflicts around the globe, yet it claims to be the flagbearer of the international fight for freedom, liberation and human rights.
UK households slipping into poverty
The United Kingdom has been warned of a gloomy economic outlook with a recession now a certainty as a consequence of higher energy prices. This is while new figures show around half of British adults are struggling to pay their energy bills, rent, or mortgage payments.
UN tells Israel to destroy nuclear weapons
The United Nations General Assembly on Sunday voted 152-5 in favor of a resolution that demands Israel destroy all its nuclear weapons arsenal and allow inspectors from the International Atomic Energy Agency to visit its nuclear facilities.
Saudi energy minister’s threat and blackmail must be SLAMMED
On October 25, Reuters reported “Saudi Arabia’s energy minister Prince Abdulaziz bin Salman said on Tuesday [October 25] that some countries were using their emergency stocks to manipulate markets when their purpose should be to mitigate any shortages of supply … “It is my profound duty to make clear to the world that losing (releasing) emergency stocks may be painful in the months to come,” the Saudi minister told the Future Initiative Investment (FII) conference in Riyadh.
The whys and whats of Ukraine crisis
We are today facing an avoidable crisis between the United States and Russia that was predictable, deliberate, but easily solvable with common sense.
UK police get away with breaking the law
The recently long-awaited report on vast misconduct by British police sheds light on how the country’s officers are breaking the law themselves and getting away with it. These are the same British police forces who are supposedly protecting citizens from crime and supposedly enforcing the law themselves.
Russia to reassess UN ties amid Iran drone hoax
Russia says any UN probe into the alleged use of Iranian made drones in the Ukraine war would be politically motivated, biased and won’t deliver accurate results. It is not for the first time that the United States and its Western proxies have levelled fake accusations against Iran with the intent of damaging Tehran’s international relations.
Chaos in UK as PM Truss quits
If the United Kingdom has not seen the worst economic crisis in several decades, it now has a political disaster after Liz Truss resigned as Prime Minister just 45 days after taking over from Boris Johnson. It is astonishing the country will have a third PM in a matter of a few months.
Frustration at Ukrainian “welfare” refugees in Europe
With the chilly winter season slowly creeping into Europe, the working and the middle classes of society on the continent are struggling to foot the bills that heat their homes. And with Ukrainian refugees enjoying a wide range of social welfare benefits, including cheaper or free energy, signs are emerging that show dissatisfaction toward Ukrainian refugees.
The French call for NATO exit
Thousands of angry French protesters have gathered in the French capital to call for the country’s withdrawal from the U.S.-led NATO military alliance. The protesters have also called for the resignation of the country’s President Emmanuel Macron.