Thursday, 4 July , 2024
Nothing Will Happen in Any October or November 26 Jun 2019

Nothing Will Happen in Any October or November

Since February 11, 1979 till now, 40 years and few months have passed and in other words, over 500 months or 15,000 days have passed from the victory of the Islamic Revolution and during this period, the revolution has faced with more than 15,000 different types of plotss and incidents.

US drone shoot-down a source of pride for Iranians: Hatami 25 Jun 2019

US drone shoot-down a source of pride for Iranians: Hatami

Iranian Defense Minister Brigadier General Amir Hatami said Tuesday that the shoot-down of a US spy drone using a home-made air defense system is a source of pride for Iranians.

Trump has a moment of sanity that begs for continuance 25 Jun 2019

Trump has a moment of sanity that begs for continuance

NORTH CAROLINA - “Cocked and loaded” Donald Trump claimed the U.S. military was, just before, as he alleges, he decided not to attack Iran last week because the lives of an estimated “150 Iranians” were too heavy a cost for the downing of an unmanned drone that was brought down in Iran’s territorial waters while on a spy mission. What is one supposed to think? That Trump suddenly has a heart? That he has a brain? Well, maybe a bit of the latter for a moment. It is, in any case, not hard to speculate about what happened:

Ban Ki-moon says folly of U.S. decision to quit nuclear deal has caused regional tension 25 Jun 2019

Ban Ki-moon says folly of U.S. decision to quit nuclear deal has caused regional tension

Former UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon has said that the folly of the U.S. decision to withdraw from the 2015 nuclear deal, officially called the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, has caused regional tension.

Iranian minister: U.S. cyberattacks on missile systems failed 25 Jun 2019

Iranian minister: U.S. cyberattacks on missile systems failed

Tehran says that recent U.S. cyber-attacks against Iranian missile control systems have failed to cause any disruptions.

Iran’s response to territorial violations ‘repeatable’, warns Khanzadi 24 Jun 2019

Iran’s response to territorial violations ‘repeatable’, warns Khanzadi

Commander of the Iranian Army's Navy Rear Admiral Hossein Khanzadi said that Iran’s ‘crushing’ response to violation of its territory can be repeated, referring to the downing of a US spy drone that had intruded into Iranian airspace.

Opp. candidate set for comfortable victory in Istanbul re-run election 24 Jun 2019

Opp. candidate set for comfortable victory in Istanbul re-run election

Turkey's main opposition party appeared headed for victory on Sunday in a re-run of Istanbul's mayoral election, dealing one of the biggest blows to President Erdoğan during his 16 years in power.

Europe Equivocating Since the Beginning 24 Jun 2019

Europe Equivocating Since the Beginning

Hours after the U.S. announced its pullout of the nuclear deal, the JCPOA, on May 8, 2018, European Union in a statement deplored the U.S. decision for leaving the JCPOA, adding that if the U.S. changes its mind, they will welcome it. EU in this statement with a full rudeness said that as long as Iran remained committed to the JCPOA, it would remain committed to it, too.

Talks underway for signing bilateral monetary treaties: FM Zarif 23 Jun 2019

Talks underway for signing bilateral monetary treaties: FM Zarif

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said Sunday that talks are underway with a number of countries including Turkey, Russia, and China, to sign or finalize mutual monetary treaties.

Trump reiterates no pre-condition for talks with Iran 23 Jun 2019

Trump reiterates no pre-condition for talks with Iran

U.S. President Donald Trump said on Friday that there is no pre-condition for U.S. talks with Tehran.