Iran Accounts for 1.2m Tons of 212m Tons of World Fishery Products
The CEO of Fishery Company of Etka Organization and a member of Protein Production and Packaging Industry Employers Trade Association says Iran’s share of 212m tons of fishery products of the world is only 1.2m tons.
Islamic Revolution, an Inspiration for Freedom-Seeking Nations
On Saturday February 11, Iranian nation along with all freedom-loving people in the world will celebrate the 44th anniversary of the victory of the Islamic Revolution in Iran which has turned into an inspiration movement for Muslims and even other nations in the world.
Iran’s Free Trade With Venezuela on the Agenda
Deputy Minister of Industry, Mine and Trade and Head of Iran Trade Promotion Organization says Iran eyes free trade with Venezuela and it is on the agenda of the country.
IAEA a Tool for Extortion
For decades the West has tried to increase pressure on the Islamic Republic of Iran to bring it down by different tools and any means and in recent years the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has turned into a major tool of the West for putting pressure on Tehran and every now and then the issue of human rights violation is raised by the West against Tehran.
Iran Most Modern Solar Farm Launched
Iran has launched its most modern solar farm in its central province of Semnan amid plans by the Energy Ministry to boost renewables capacity and to make them more economically viable.
Rights Are Not Given, They Are Taken
While the world is focused on Ukraine war and economic issues, Israel continues its crimes and carnage in cold blood against Palestinians and sometimes against other countries and nations while the international bodies get a passive stance and help the fake Israeli regime to shed more blood.
India Again Returns Iran’s Kiwi Cargos
Head of Iran's Agricultural Products Exporters Union Seyed Reza Noorani says India once again has returned Iran’s kiwi cargos despite observing all healthy instructions.
Iran Trade Center Activated in Armenia
Deputy Head of Iran Trade Promotion Organization on improving international businesses says that Iran’s trade center has started its work in Yerevan, the capital of Armenia.
West Main Supporter of Racism
There is a proverb which can be exactly used for the contradictory behavior of the West as “the West talks the talk and walks the walk” because whatever it claims about humanity and human rights are void in practice and it itself does not observe its words.
Quran Desecration Not Allowed
In recent days, Muslims worldwide once again have shown the power of Islam and belief in Islamic values as they are gradually and strongly showing strong reaction against desecration to the Holy Quran and Islam, and this is what Muslims in the world need and this will not let the offenders continue their atrocities and insults against Islam and Muslims in the future because of possible reactions and protests.