Saturday, 6 July , 2024
  • Fighter Jet Crashes Ardabil, Pilot Still Missing 25 Dec 2019

    Fighter Jet Crashes Ardabil, Pilot Still Missing

    TEHRAN (Iran News) – A fighter jet of the Iranian Air Force crashed in the northwestern province of Ardabil on Wednesday, and the pilot is still missing. The MiG-29 fighter jet had taken off from an airbase in the city of Tabriz and was patrolling in the airspace of Ardabil Province when it crashed in […]

5 Ways to Reduce Your Risk of Alzheimer’s Disease 05 Apr 2018

5 Ways to Reduce Your Risk of Alzheimer’s Disease

According to the Alzheimer’s Association, “Today, someone in the United States develops Alzheimer’s every 65 seconds. By mid-century, someone in the United States will develop the disease every 33 seconds.” To date, there is no cure regarding this most common form of dementia, which affects nearly all individuals worldwide regardless of race, or socioeconomic status, […]

Belgium says investigating ‘significant’ meat fraud 20 Mar 2018

Belgium says investigating ‘significant’ meat fraud

Belgium on Monday said at least three nations had received falsely labelled meat products from an abattoir in the south of the country in what it called a “significant” food fraud operation. The Belgian food security authority, Afsca, said Hong Kong, Ivory Coast and Kosovo had been recipients until the end of 2016 of meat […]

Fitbit Ace is Fitbit’s first fitness band for kids 18 Mar 2018

Fitbit Ace is Fitbit’s first fitness band for kids

Fitbit has just announced the Fitbit Ace, an activity tracker which it says makes fitness fun for kids while inspiring the  family to build healthy habits together to help fight decreasing levels of activity in children. Fitbit has also just launched a new smartwatch, the Fitbit Versa The new Fitbit Ace, which is designed for children […]

Russian Muslims sign MoU to help Mustafa Prize Foundation 17 Mar 2018

Russian Muslims sign MoU to help Mustafa Prize Foundation

The Spiritual Muslim Board of the Asiatic Part of Russia signed an MoU with Mustafa (pbuh) Science and Technology Foundation to help the foundation. Seyyed Ali Omrani, the Head of Executive Committee of MSTF (Mustafa (pbuh) Science and Technology Foundation), and Fauzi Sido, First Vice-Mufti of the Spiritual Muslim Board of the Asiatic Part of […]

Can’t Sleep? Could Be Down to Genetics 17 Mar 2018

Can’t Sleep? Could Be Down to Genetics

Researchers have identified specific genes that may trigger the development of sleep problems, and have also demonstrated a genetic link between insomnia and psychiatric disorders such as depression, or physical conditions such as type 2 diabetes. The study in the journal Molecular Psychiatry, which is published by Springer Nature, was led by Murray Stein of […]

IPBES: The world’s guardian of biodiversity 17 Mar 2018

IPBES: The world’s guardian of biodiversity

The Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES), due to bring out a major assessment on the health of the world’s species next week, is an independent body created by more than 100 countries in 2012. — Its mission is to gather all the available science on the state of biodiversity, to project […]

Botswana accuses US of ‘encouraging’ elephant poaching 17 Mar 2018

Botswana accuses US of ‘encouraging’ elephant poaching

Botswana’s President Ian Khama on Friday accused the US government of encouraging elephant poaching following its recent decision to reverse a ban on imports of sport-hunted trophies. Khama was speaking at an African elephant conservation conference in Botswana. “I want to take this moment to condemn in the strongest possible terms, the decision taken by… […]

Top bottled water brands contaminated with plastic particles: report 15 Mar 2018

Top bottled water brands contaminated with plastic particles: report

The world’s leading brands of bottled water are contaminated with tiny plastic particles that are likely seeping in during the packaging process, according to a major study across nine countries published Wednesday. “Widespread contamination” with plastic was found in the study, led by microplastic researcher Sherri Mason of the State University of New York at […]

Lead poisoning may hasten death for millions in US: study 13 Mar 2018

Lead poisoning may hasten death for millions in US: study

Persistent, low-level exposure to lead over decades is statistically linked to some 400,000 premature deaths in the United States each year, far more than previously thought, researchers said Monday. Compared to people with little or no lead in their blood, those with high levels — at least 6.7 milligrammes per decilitre (mg/dl) — were 37 […]

In Colombia, birders find their version of Eden 13 Mar 2018

In Colombia, birders find their version of Eden

Despite his small stature, 10-year-old Juan David Camacho has big dreams: pacing through Colombia’s jungle with binoculars in tow, he aims to spot all the bird species his country offers. It’s a mighty goal: Colombia boasts the greatest number of bird types on the planet — 1,920, or 19 percent of those on the planet […]