Saturday, 6 July , 2024
  • Fighter Jet Crashes Ardabil, Pilot Still Missing 25 Dec 2019

    Fighter Jet Crashes Ardabil, Pilot Still Missing

    TEHRAN (Iran News) – A fighter jet of the Iranian Air Force crashed in the northwestern province of Ardabil on Wednesday, and the pilot is still missing. The MiG-29 fighter jet had taken off from an airbase in the city of Tabriz and was patrolling in the airspace of Ardabil Province when it crashed in […]

NASA Successfully Tests Nuclear Reactor to Power Future Missions 05 May 2018

NASA Successfully Tests Nuclear Reactor to Power Future Missions

 Most space missions rely on solar power, but a few that demand maximum reliability have a thermal nuclear power system. Human spaceflight and colonization efforts will require a lot of power that works no matter the conditions. That’s why NASA has been developing small-scale nuclear fission reactors. The space agency now reports that the delightfully […]

Deputy FM: US bullying policies, ‘origin of regional instability’ 05 May 2018

Deputy FM: US bullying policies, ‘origin of regional instability’

Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister Gholam-Hossein Dehghani said that bullying policies of some powers has the main source of instability in the regional and international arena. He, who is visiting Dushanbe to participate in an international anti-terrorism conference, met with Tajikistan’s Foreign Minister Sirojiddin Aslov on Thursday evening. Referring to the negative consequences of bullying policies […]

Ancient, Sun-Powered Tech for Perfect Water 05 May 2018

Ancient, Sun-Powered Tech for Perfect Water

Scientists have developed a low-cost device -shaped like a birdhouse- that could help provide drinking water to people affected by natural disasters. The idea of using energy from the sun to evaporate and purify water is ancient. The Greek philosopher Aristotle reportedly described such a process more than 2,000 years ago. Now, researchers are bringing […]

Hormone from Fat Boosts Metabolism in Both Exercise & Cold 03 May 2018

Hormone from Fat Boosts Metabolism in Both Exercise & Cold

Researchers have uncovered a new kind of clue to an individual’s variable response to exercise — a hormone whose levels in the bloodstream rise sharply in exercise as well as in cold. Sad but true, we don’t all respond equally to exercise. Researchers at Joslin Diabetes Center have uncovered a new kind of clue to […]

Early bird had teeth: study 03 May 2018

Early bird had teeth: study

A gull lookalike with teeth: scientists refined their description Wednesday of a fascinating fowl at the evolutionary junction between dinosaur and modern bird — with skull features of both. Newly-discovered fossils show the extinct Icthyornis dispar, or “fish bird”, had a mouth filled with sharp, curved teeth like those of a dinosaur, a team wrote […]

Researchers unlock thorny secrets of rose DNA 01 May 2018

Researchers unlock thorny secrets of rose DNA

A new, detailed breakdown of the modern rose genome should help growers improve traits such as pest and drought resistance, and boost the vase life of cut stems, researchers said Monday. In a study published in Nature Genetics, a multinational team said a fastidious examination of rose DNA has allowed them to compile “one of […]

Obesity May Hasten Disability in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis 01 May 2018

Obesity May Hasten Disability in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis

In a study of adults with rheumatoid arthritis, those who were severely obese experienced more rapidly progressing disability than patients who were overweight. This was not explained by features of their arthritis, including the amount of inflammation in their joints. In the Arthritis Care & Research study, weight loss after enrollment was also associated with […]

Iran, Hungary ink MoU to broaden coop. 29 Apr 2018

Iran, Hungary ink MoU to broaden coop.

 Hungarian Academy of Sciences and the Institute for Political and International Studies of the Iranian Ministry of Foreign Affairs signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) in the field of publishing Persian manuscript. Given the existence of over 157 Persian manuscripts in the library of Hungarian Academy of Sciences and to provide a list of these […]

Napping Can Help Tired Teens’ Performance in School 29 Apr 2018

Napping Can Help Tired Teens’ Performance in School

Researchers have found a positive relationship between midday-napping and nighttime sleep. They believe it might be key to boosting neurocognitive function in early adolescents. A University of Delaware researcher investigated the relationship between midday-napping behaviors and neurocognitive function in early adolescents and found some keys to helping the teens battle fatigue. In a study funded […]

Researchers Chart A New Way to Look at Concussion 26 Apr 2018

Researchers Chart A New Way to Look at Concussion

A research team studying concussion has published an interactive diagram showing the many facets of mild traumatic brain injury (TBI) — from sleep problems to mood disorders to the increased danger of dementia — and how they connect with and affect each other. A Portland State University research team studying concussion has published an interactive […]