China Deplores US Sanctions, Says Cooperation with Iran ‘Legal’
China Deplores US Sanctions, Says Cooperation with Iran ‘Legal’
China’s Foreign Ministry deplored on Thursday sanctions imposed by the United States on Chinese entities and individuals it accuses of knowingly transferring oil from Iran in violation of Washington’s curbs on Tehran.

At a daily news briefing in Beijing, Chinese Ministry spokesman Geng Shuang deplored the sanctions, adding that China’s cooperation with Iran was legitimate and legal, Reuters reported.

The US Treasury Department announced Wednesday that five Chinese nationals and six entities, including two Cosco Shipping Corporation subsidiaries, were targeted in the new measure.

“And we are telling China, and all nations: know that we will sanction every violation,” claimed hawkish US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo at a conference on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly in New York.

“The more Iran lashes out the greater our pressure will and should be… That path forward begins now with two new actions.”