Netanyahu on the Way to Commit Suicide
Netanyahu on the Way to Commit Suicide

What happened during recent G7 leaders’ meeting in France was more than just an economic issue and was like a prescription for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that he has no option but committing suicide for his implementation. The G7, by inviting Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif to the meeting and talks between him […]

What happened during recent G7 leaders’ meeting in France was more than just an economic issue and was like a prescription for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that he has no option but committing suicide for his implementation. The G7, by inviting Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif to the meeting and talks between him and French President Emmanuel Macron, had no way but to backtrack on the Zionist regime’s policy and this means that Western countries are at the end of their rope and Zionist regime has also received this frustrating message of the meeting; So the Zionist regime thinks of committing suicide.


Hours after air attacks on Damascus and on the Front Line in Syria and Iraq and Netanyahu’s implicit confession for such deadly action , the news of shooting down of Zionist drones in Beirut, the capital of Lebanon, was disseminated.

Reuters quoted one of Hezbollah officials as saying that an Israeli drone crashed earlier in the week on the southern suburb of Beirut and Israel’s second drone exploded midair. The Hezbollah official said the second drone caused some damage when it crashed before dawn close to Hezbollah’s media center in the Dahiyeh suburbs of Lebanon’s capital Beirut. Lebanon’s state news agency NNA reported that the second drone was rigged with explosives causing serious damage to the media center and three people wounded.

The Associated Press also quoted some residents of the southern part of Beirut as saying that they have heard a loud explosion.

Russian news agency Sputnik quoted an informed source as saying, “The drone that was shot down in ​​Beirut is a small Israeli reconnaissance aircraft that has military missions to plant explosive devices and is equipped to carry out assassinations.” Israeli Army with its silence was preparing to keep in secret the Zionist regime’s attacks.

According to Al-Manar TV channel, Lebanon’s Prime Minister Saad Hariri denounced Israel’s drone attack and called it a clear aggression to Lebanon’s territory. The Lebanese prime minister called Israeli attack as breach of UN resolution 1701, adding, it is a clear indication of Israeli aggressive acts aimed at undermining peace and stability in Lebanon and the region.

Lebanon’s Foreign Ministry announced that Lebanon would file an official complaint against Zionist regime to the UN Security Council about the violations.

Head of Lebanon’s Supreme Islamic Shiite Council, Sheikh Abdul-Amir Qablan, reacting to the Israeli drone attacks said, “Israeli regime is playing with fire which will drag it into a war which will cost its existence.

Most political and military experts believe that the feedback of G7 leaders’ meeting turns the climate in a way for Zionist regime that it would drag the region into the war at any cost. And this means an escape forward for creating chaos in the West Asia and preventing consecutive losses of the U.S. and humiliation of UK, and ultimately, Trump’s obedience to Europe for backtracking on his stupid decisions like pullout of the JCPOA.

Al-Mayadeen TV Channel reported that Israeli Prime Benjamin Netanyahu has confirmed air attacks on Syria, quoting Netanyahu as saying, “In a major operational effort, we stopped Iranian forces and militias from attacking on Israel. I repeat: Iran has no immunity anywhere. Our forces operate in every sector against the Iranian aggression.” Netanyahu added, “I have given the instruction to the Army to prepare for any scenario and will continue to act against Iran and its proxies.”

Such remarks by a defeated commander are verifiable and undoubtedly, Iran and its allies Iraq, Syria, Lebanon and even Yemeni forces patiently would not take hasty actions because they realize that Netanyahu has committed such suicidal acts desperately.

By: Hamid Reza Naghashian