Tehran, Sofia Explore Ways to Expand Trade
Tehran, Sofia Explore Ways to Expand Trade
TEHRAN – Iran and Bulgaria on Sunday explored ways to remove hurdles for boosting bilateral trade.

Iran’s Chamber of Commerce yesterday hosted the forum on introducing trade opportunities of Iran and Bulgaria where both countries expressed their interest for boosting cooperation.


Deputy Head of Iran’s Chamber Hossein Salahvarzi hosted the forum where caretaker of Bulgarian Embassy  and Iran’s Ambassador to Bulgaria were present.

During the forum, both sides pointed to the long and historic relations between both states and called for barter trade and redefining new mechanisms for expanding the current bilateral relation.

Addressing the forum, Mr. Salahvarzi pointed to the joint economic cooperation of both countries in ministerial level and promising activities of the committee, adding that the relation between Iran and Bulgaria has always been in good level and economic cooperation between provinces of both countries is on the rise.

He also pointed to some agreements which signed during the joint economic commission in Sofia, adding that one of the best agreements was the cooperation between chambers of commerce of both states and it should be operational.

Salahvarzi pointed to the good capacities of both states for cooperation, adding Iran and Bulgaria can be good trade partners He admitted that problem in financial transactions, lack of data bank on trade demands of both countries, and customs issues are three major hurdles in way of boosting trade cooperation between both states.

Meanwhile Iran’s Ambassador to Bulgaria Mr. Mohammad Javad Rasooli pointed to the commonalities between both nations, adding that both countries are keen to expand their trade relation.

He added that the current trade volume of both countries stands at $100m which is falling. Adding that of course the statistics are not accurate because several Iranian goods are exported to Bulgaria with other countries’ brand like Turkey.

Rasooli noted that embassy is working to eliminate these countries which are between Iran and Bulgaria’s trade.

He added that after the U.S. pullout of the JCPOA, Bulgaria has been the only country which has held its joint economic commission with Iran.

He noted that one of the agreements in the meeting was to launch direct flight between Tehran and Sofia. Rasooli noted that one of the major achievements of the meeting was to prepare facilities for Bulgaria’s transportation system and it can facilitate the trade between both states.

Meanwhile caretaker of Bulgaria’s Embassy in Tehran Radoslav Gergov said that the embassy is working to retain good bilateral ties, adding this relation is the major engine of relation between Black Sea and Caspian Sea.

He added that Iran-Azerbaijan-Georgia and Black Sea route and Bulgaria should be revived for entering European and China’s markets.

  • source : Iran news