Hamas says in ‘frontline’ of supporting Iran in case of any ‘hostile act’
Hamas says in ‘frontline’ of supporting Iran in case of any ‘hostile act’
Saleh al-Arouri, the deputy chairman of the political bureau of the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) warned that any hostile act against Iran is similar to a one against Palestine.

“We, as representatives of Resistance Front and Hamas Movement, voice our solidarity with the Islamic Republic of Iran and emphasize that any hostile act against Iran is an act against Palestine and Resistance and we see ourselves in the frontline of supporting Iran,” he said in a Tuesday meeting with Iran’s Supreme National Security Council, Ali Shamkhani in Tehran.

Al-Arouri appreciated Iran’s support for Palestine, noting that US hostilities and sanctions didn’t impede the resolve of the Islamic Republic in supporting the Palestinian cause.

He went on to say that Hamas is not afraid of Israeli regime’s threats and stands up against their aggressions with the help of God and support of Iran.

For his part, Shamkhani described ‘internal resolve’ and ‘Islamic Resistance’ as the two main elements needed to defeat the Israeli regime.

“The fundamental principle of supporting the Palestinian cause has been among pillars of the Islamic Revolution and this will continue to the full victory of Resistance Front against child-killing occupiers,” Shamkhani said in the meeting.

He went on to say that the so-called ‘Deal of the Century’ is a pre-failed plot which cannot be implemented, adding, “besides the growth of Resistance groups and their increased role in key regional arrangement, the Zionist regime and its allies’ conditions are fragile and deteriorating. And fake plans which oppose the resolve of Palestinian people will not yield any result.”

  • source : Mehrnews