In a tweet on Friday, US Senator from Connecticut Chris Murphy invited his followers to call their senators and tell them to sign on to a bill introduced by Senator from New Mexico Tom Udall to prevent war with Iran.
Tom Udall wrote in a tweet a few days ago that the Trump administration’s diplomatic failures are putting the US on a dangerous trajectory toward war with Iran. “The Iraq playbook is being used on Iran. We must pass my bipartisan bill to prevent another ill-fated conflict in the Middle East,” he said in the tweet.
Udall has been vocal in his protests against the Trump administration’s warmongering policies toward Iran.
He maintained that “the current tensions are a direct result of the Trump administration’s failed Iran policy, naming “withdrawing from the nuclear deal, ratcheting up sanctions, designating part of their military as terrorist, selective intelligence leaks, and saber-rattling rhetoric” as instances of US measures “designed to spark conflict, not resolve differences through diplomacy.”
“It is apparent that some influential voices within the Trump administration would welcome a military conflict with Iran and are provoking it, but the Constitution says they must seek approval from Congress first. Those who learned the lessons of Iraq cannot allow such a debacle to happen again. The time to speak out and take action to prevent an unnecessary and unauthorized war is now—not after a conflict starts,” he added.
- source : Mehrnews