The 69-year-old Iranian graphic designer Ebrahim Haqiqi, who is scheduled to receive a lifetime achievement award from the 37th Fajr Film Festival, has said that he still wishes to become a filmmaker. “I almost achieved everything I have always wanted but I still have a dream to fulfil. I wish I could make a film […]
The 69-year-old Iranian graphic designer Ebrahim Haqiqi, who is scheduled to receive a lifetime achievement award from the 37th Fajr Film Festival, has said that he still wishes to become a filmmaker.
“I almost achieved everything I have always wanted but I still have a dream to fulfil. I wish I could make a film but considering the way Iranian cinema works, it seems impossible,” he told the Persian service of ISNA on Sunday.
“To achieve their goals, I believe, people have to fight, maintain a business or play. The people who play are those whose inner child is still alive,” he stated.
“I also play, sometimes I just change my toys and when I play I am really happy… but there is still a dream of becoming a filmmaker for my inner child,” he added.
Haqiqi will receive the lifetime achievement award from the Fajr Film Festival for the posters he has created for Iranian movies over his career spanning for over a half a century.
“Producers don’t care about the artistic elements in film posters,” he lamented and added, “They are just satisfied with posters that bear images of the superstars of their films.”