Acclaimed traditional musician and vocalist Shahram Nazeri will bring out his new album by September 22.‘Asheq Kist?’ (who is the lover?) is the title of Master Nazeri’s latest album to be released and distributed by Iran Gaam, a well-known record label based in Tehran.“I believe, the album will be among the best and most different […]
Acclaimed traditional musician and vocalist Shahram Nazeri will bring out his new album by September 22.
‘Asheq Kist?’ (who is the lover?) is the title of Master Nazeri’s latest album to be released and distributed by Iran Gaam, a well-known record label based in Tehran.
“I believe, the album will be among the best and most different music productions in the recent years,” founder and manager of the publishing company Sadroddin Hosseinkhani told Mehr News Agency.
Iran Gaam Records was founded in 1985 with ‘Music for Everyone’ as its slogan.