Selflessness main element of Iran’s power
Selflessness main element of Iran’s power

 Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said on Wednesday that Iran’s power, clout and capital is rooted in its popular base, as people are ready to defend Iran selflessly. “The most important tool of power of the Islamic Republic of Iran is the etiquette of selflessness and devotedness which has been kept alive among the […]

 Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said on Wednesday that Iran’s power, clout and capital is rooted in its popular base, as people are ready to defend Iran selflessly.

“The most important tool of power of the Islamic Republic of Iran is the etiquette of selflessness and devotedness which has been kept alive among the Iranian people and acts as a huge capital for our country,” said Mohammad Javad Zarif, the Foreign Minister of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

He made the remarks on Wednesday in a meeting with veteran prisoners of war from the 1980-88 Imposed War. The meeting was held on the advent of the anniversary of emancipation of Iranian prisoners of war by the Baathist regime of Saddam.

The Iranian diplomatic chief boasted that 40% of the staff in the Iranian foreign ministry are those who have either been kidnapped by the anti-Revolution terrorists or prisoned in the war with Saddam or by the monarchist regime of Iran before the victory of the Islamic Revolution in 1979.

“Despite daily difficulties, our people are strongly standing to protect the honor of their mother land the independence of Iran with their high sense of selflessness and resistance,” he added.

“Those countries which are enjoying the protective umbrella of a superpower and their munition houses are full of the most modern weapons and arms lack the clout and capital of Iran- the people,” he underlined.