In a twitter message on Tuesday, Mohammad Bagher Nobakhkt announced that President Rouhani has accepted his resignation as Government Spokesman. Nobakht, who is also the head of Iran’s Management and Planning Organization, wrote that “as I said earlier, mitigating the effects of recent pressures from enemies and the new conditions governing the country requires harder […]
In a twitter message on Tuesday, Mohammad Bagher Nobakhkt announced that President Rouhani has accepted his resignation as Government Spokesman.
Nobakht, who is also the head of Iran’s Management and Planning Organization, wrote that “as I said earlier, mitigating the effects of recent pressures from enemies and the new conditions governing the country requires harder work of all managers.”
“Although I have focused on both responsibilities as the head of Management and Planning Organization and Government Spokesperson – which overlap in many aspects – I asked President Rouhani to let me use my all power and focus on planning aspects and also to devolve the responsibility of Government Spokesman to another person.”
“Fortunately, he [Rouhani] accepted my request. Thanks God,” Nobakhat concluded.