Iranian short animation ‘Alphabet’ directed by Kianoush Abedi will be screened at the 15th Southside film festival in Pennsylvania, US. The 6-minute animated piece ‘Alphabet’, directed by Kianoush Abedi, narrates the story of people who have forgotten life and are separated from knowledge and truth. The animation depicts a nation that has forgotten the alphabet […]
Iranian short animation ‘Alphabet’ directed by Kianoush Abedi will be screened at the 15th Southside film festival in Pennsylvania, US.
The 6-minute animated piece ‘Alphabet’, directed by Kianoush Abedi, narrates the story of people who have forgotten life and are separated from knowledge and truth. The animation depicts a nation that has forgotten the alphabet to life, cannot see, cannot hear, and cannot speak, but the words are waiting for them impatiently.
The ‘Alphabet’ has already won two awards at the 5th Speechless Film Festival in US and the 5th Festival Sayulita in Mexico.
The SouthSide Film Institute (SSFI) is a volunteer-run grass-roots organization based in the strong arts and business community of South Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, that presents the annual SouthSide Film Festival each June. The event will kick off on June 12 and will continue for four days.