Russia will expel British diplomats in response to UK actions, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said Thursday “Certainly. Soon,” Lavrov said when asked at a forum in Moscow if Russia will order British diplomats to leave. Lavrov called the UK actions “the nervous reaction to Russia’s return as an equal partner.” On Wednesday, Britain announced it […]
Russia will expel British diplomats in response to UK actions, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said Thursday
“Certainly. Soon,” Lavrov said when asked at a forum in Moscow if Russia will order British diplomats to leave.
Lavrov called the UK actions “the nervous reaction to Russia’s return as an equal partner.”
On Wednesday, Britain announced it was expelling 23 Russian diplomats after Moscow missed a deadline to explain how a Russian-made nerve agent was used in the attempted murder.
Lavrov added, “I think this story reflects the British government’s inability to fulfill its responsibilities under Brexit.”
Earlier today, Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov called the UK’s reaction to the attack on the ex-spy “irresponsible.”
Sergei Skripal, 66, and his daughter Yulia, 33, were admitted to a hospital after being found unconscious on a bench on March 4 in the southern English city of Salisbury.
Skripal was granted refuge in the UK following a 2010 spy exchange between the US and Russia.