TEHRAN – Bozar, the prestigious Belgian art center, has dedicated a special program to Iranian performing arts, the organizers have announced. Six Iranian plays by several innovative Iranian theater producers and playwrights will go on stage at the “Welcome to Iran” section running from March 15 to 18. “Pink Cloud” by Hassan Majuni, “Medea” by […]
TEHRAN – Bozar, the prestigious Belgian art center, has dedicated a special program to Iranian performing arts, the organizers have announced.
Six Iranian plays by several innovative Iranian theater producers and playwrights will go on stage at the “Welcome to Iran” section running from March 15 to 18.
“Pink Cloud” by Hassan Majuni, “Medea” by Fariborz Karimi, “Flight N° 745” by Marjan Purgholamhossein, “Video Call 2” By Pantea Armanfar and “Chante Avec Moi” (sing with me) by Afsaneh Nuri are among the participating plays.
“Art is vital in Iran. Many Iranians consider the theater an unconditional path to growth, a place where they can reflect on the status quo,” reads part of the statement of the program.
Photo: Thespian acts in a scene from “Medea” by Fariborz Karimi.