Rights Are Not Given, They Are Taken
Rights Are Not Given, They Are Taken
While the world is focused on Ukraine war and economic issues, Israel continues its crimes and carnage in cold blood against Palestinians and sometimes against other countries and nations while the international bodies get a passive stance and help the fake Israeli regime to shed more blood.

TEHRAN (Iran News) –While the world is focused on Ukraine war and economic issues, Israel continues its crimes and carnage in cold blood against Palestinians and sometimes against other countries and nations while the international bodies get a passive stance and help the fake Israeli regime to shed more blood.

In recent days the Zionist forces have committed horrible crimes in Palestine and only the Islamic Republic of Iran and some Palestinian groups have reacted firmly against the crime while other countries have remained silent and passive and they even have closed their eyes.

A deadly Israeli raid in the occupied West Bank and in Jenin killed 10 Palestinians and it provoked grief and anger in Gaza. Rockets have been fired into Israel, and hundreds of Palestinians have taken part in vigils and rallies to condemn what they describe as a “massacre”.

Reacting to this crime, the Islamic Republic of Iran condemned it and said Tehran will continue its support to the Palestinian nation in face of Israeli aggression as Palestine is struggling against the escalating acts of violence committed by Israeli settlers and army under the new extremist far-right cabinet.

Palestinian media outlets reported that Israeli occupation forces raided the Jenin camp early on Thursday, killing 10 and injuring more than 20, leaving residents and popular resistance groups with no choice but to defend themselves and confront the occupation forces.

They said that more than 70 Israeli armed vehicles stormed the flashpoint city and the neighboring refugee camp, while Israeli snipers were deployed on rooftops and heavily armed soldiers opened fire at Palestinian youths who tried to block their way.

Despite such a horrible crime, there was no serious reaction from the international bodies and even from the countries who claim they are supporters of human rights. This passiveness emboldened the Zionist to continue killing Palestinians.

According to reports, a young Palestinian man was killed by Israeli forces during a military raid on the city of al-Khalil in the southern West Bank, bringing the number of Palestinian fatalities from the Israeli violence this month to 35.

The Palestinian health ministry said on Monday that 26-year-old Nasim Nayef Salman Abu Fouda was shot in the head after Israeli troops stationed at the military checkpoint 160, south of the Ibrahimi Mosque, opened fire on his car. He was taken to al-Ahli Hospital, where he was pronounced dead.

After serial killing of the Palestinians it seems the Zionists have been encouraged to continue their killing or taking tough stance against the Palestinians.

Far-right Israeli minister Itamar Ben-Gvir threatened Palestinians with execution by the “electric chair” following the latest round of violence by regime forces across the occupied Palestinian territories.


Speaking at a meeting of his extremist party, Ben-Gvir vowed to push the Israeli parliament, known as the Knesset, to pass a bill to use the electric chair death penalty for Palestinians involved in retaliatory operations and attacks against Israeli military forces and settlers.

“Anyone who murders, harms, and slaughters civilians should be sent to the electric chair,” Ben-Gvir said.

The far-right Israeli minister also said he had called for the imposition of a curfew on Palestinian neighborhoods that pose a threat to Israel and the apprehension of those holding weapons.

The threat was made as Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Sunday vowed a “strong, swift and precise” response to the latest retaliatory attacks and said his cabinet, comprised of a group of hardline politicians, had decided to expedite gun permits for Israeli people to defend against Palestinian street attacks.

Netanyahu also said more soldiers and police would be deployed in the occupied territories, and security forces would embark on a series of operations to gather intelligence, confiscate illegal firearms, and carry out arrests.

The Zionists have become angry because of some brave retaliations by young Palestinians in the occupied lands against them and Ben-Gvir with his remarks shows how he and other Zionists are infuriated because of retaliatory acts of the Palestinians.

Tension has flared up in the occupied Palestinian territories in recent days. In a shooting operation carried out on Friday near a synagogue in an illegal Israeli settlement in the occupied al-Quds seven illegal settlers were killed and 10 others wounded. Two illegal settlers were also injured in another shooting attack in the same area on Saturday.

Ben-Gvir is the one who caused anger among the Palestinians by his presence in Al-Aqsa Mosque and his remarks.

More than 170 Palestinians, including at least 30 children, were killed across the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem last year. In January 2023 alone, at least 38 Palestinians including five children have been killed. The United Nations marked 2022 as the deadliest year for Palestinians in the West Bank in 16 years.

Despite such reports by the United Nations which are all against the Zionist regime, this international body just is a looker-on and it does not take any serious action against the Zionists’ crimes and it is just focused on the issues which are raised by the big powers, predominantly the Western states.

Unfortunately in recent days, Ukraine war and to some extend Covid-19 are two major issues which are discussed in the international bodies or among the heads of states in the world and nobody pays any attention to the Zionists crime, and the Zionists take advantage of this negligence and continue their crimes in cold blood without getting due punishment and Palestinians have no option but retaliation in different ways.

If the world really seeks peace and stability and wants to live in peace, it is better to take a firm and decisive action against the Zionist regime because this regime is cancerous and the main factor behind most problems in the world, and therefore it needs to be dealt properly otherwise the bloodshed of the Zionists will continue and Palestinians and Resistance Front have no option but to punish the Zionists by resorting to any tool and the UN and major forces then are not allowed to react to Palestinians’ response  as it is said “rights are not given, they are taken” and the Islamic Republic of Iran has proved it to the world and it is time for Palestinians to prove it.