IRGC Navy Not to Allow Enemies to Encroach on Iran Interests
IRGC Navy Not to Allow Enemies to Encroach on Iran Interests
On the eve of the Persian Day, the Commander of IRGC Navy Forces said that the maritime borders of the country are in the best possible condition, reiterating that the country’s Navy Force will not allow enemies to encroach on its interests. 

TEHRAN (Iran News) – On the eve of the Persian Day, the Commander of IRGC Navy Forces said that the maritime borders of the country are in the best possible condition, reiterating that the country’s Navy Force will not allow enemies to encroach on its interests.

Rear Admiral Alireza Tangsiri reiterated that Iran’s Navy Force is ready to strongly respond to enemies’ threats to its maritime borders with all its might and power.

IRGC Navy Force will not allow any trans-regional or other counties to encroach on its interests and maritime borders, Tangsiri highlighted.

The IRGC Navy force strictly monitors all movements and provocations of enemies and foreigners, he highlighted.

“If we feel a threat which jeopardizes interests of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Iran’s IRGC Navy Force would strongly respond to the threat of enemies and will regret them,” Real Admira Tangsiri added.

Meanwhile Iranian Foreign Ministry issued a statement on Friday to mark the National Persian Gulf Day, which falls on the April 30.

Describing the Persian Gulf as the symbol of peace, friendship and co-existence among the regional nations, the Iranian Ministry of Foreign Affairs called on the outsiders to respect the establishment of security and peace in the Persian Gulf in the hands of its littoral states.

What follows is the text of the statement, released by the Foreign Ministry’s website:

“Throughout the history of the region, which has been full of ups and downs, the Persian Gulf, this civilization-making span of water, has constantly been named the Persian Gulf or called by its equivalents in all foreign languages.

From millennia B.C. up until now, the Persian Gulf has always been referred to with the same ancient name or the ‘Persian Sea’ in a variety of books, travelogues, documents, maps, historical researches, and numerous international documents written in different languages. Historians and researchers have emphatically used the same name particularly in credible Islamic and Arabic sources of reference.

While laying emphasis on the policy of neighborliness, the government of the Islamic Republic of Iran hopes that this body of water will be a sanctuary of regional security and stability as well as a symbol of peace, friendship and co-existence among regional nations, and that others will respect the establishment of peace and security in the Persian Gulf by the littoral states.


We offer congratulations to all Iranians and those who have done their utmost to safeguard this soil and its waters on this great occasion, which is reminiscent of the expulsion of colonialists from the region, and pay tribute to the honorable martyrs of the Persian Gulf.”