Exit in Humiliation Is First U.S. Payback for Assassination
Exit in Humiliation Is First U.S. Payback for Assassination
Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) says a humiliating withdrawal from the region is the first price that the U.S. will have to pay for its assassination of Lieutenant General Qassem Soleimani.

TEHRAN (Iran News) –  Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) says a humiliating withdrawal from the region is the first price that the U.S. will have to pay for its assassination of Lieutenant General Qassem Soleimani.

IRGC spokesman Ramezan Sharif said Sunday the United States must leave other regional countries following its ignominious pullout from Afghanistan.

“The first recompense that the Americans must pay for the assassination of Martyr Soleimani is to leave the region with humiliation,” he said in the northwestern city of Urmia on Sunday.

“Just as the Americans left Afghanistan with humiliation, they must leave other regional countries,” he added.

The IRGC spokesman also said despite having less personnel and equipment, General Soleimani managed to defeat terrorists, who were armed to the teeth in Syria and Iraq.

“Long before the complete defeat of Daesh and U.S. allies in the region, Haj Qassem had promised to defeat them. This was achieved thanks to his command and knowledge of the enemy front and the strength of the resistance front.”

Gen. Qa’ani recalled recent remarks by former Afghan President Ashraf Ghani who said the Americans had betrayed him. Sharif urged Arab leaders in the region not to rely on the US to avoid a similar fate.

In Tehran, IRGC Quds Force chief General Ismail Qa’ani said Gen. Soleimani reconciled the battlefield and diplomacy.

Addressing a ceremony at the Foreign Ministry’s Institute for Political and International Studies, he said one of General Soleimani’s initiatives was to establish interaction and synergy between the diplomatic and military corps in order to better confront the enemies.

“Martyr Soleimani established a very good link between the battlefield and diplomacy and was one of the trailblazers and advocates of this logic,” Qa’ani said, adding his idea has been adopted by other countries.

The Quds Force chief also described Tehran as “the summit of resistance, the Islamic Revolution and the convergence among different sectors in Islam”.

“This is the center of proximity and people like Martyr Soleimani were at the forefront of creating unity and convergence,” he added.

General Soleimani was assassinated along with his Iraqi trenchmate Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, the deputy head of the Popular Mobilization Units, in a US drone strike ordered by ex-president Donald Trump near Baghdad International Airport on January 3, 2020.