TEHRAN (Iran News) – Ayatollah Mohsen Araki, a member of the Assembly of Experts, has said if the Islamic society wants to be strong, it must return to its faith and divine identity.
He made the remarks at the 14th meeting of Islamic Unity – London- which was held on Saturday, July 10, according to Ayatollah Araki’s public relations office.
Prominent personalities and a number of thinkers of the Islamic world, including Sheikh Maher Hammoud, the president of the Union of Resistance Scholars; and Najmuddin Chalashkan, a member of the Turkish Sa’adat Party, also attended the meeting, which focused on the role of Islamic values in the realization of world peace.
Ayatollah Araki referred to the identity of the Islamic community and said: “The identity of each community is shaped based on its origin and the will that leads it to move and communicate with others.
The identity of the Islamic society is formed by the will of God, that is, the Islamic society plans and moves according to the command of God, and is formed in terms of faith in the will of God.”
The Islamic society establishes its relations with the members of the society and with other societies according to the command of God, Ayatollah Araki who is also a member of the Supreme Council of Seminaries, added.
Referring to a verse of the Holy Quran, which says:
“Indeed, your Lord is Allah, who created the heavens and the earth in six days, and then settled on the Throne. He draws the night’s cover over the day, which pursues it swiftly, and [He created] the sun, the moon, and the stars, [all of them] disposed by His command. Look! All creation and command belong to Him. Blessed is Allah, the Lord of all the worlds,”
He explained: “Almighty Allah in this verse emphasizes that Creation and command belong to Him. This is contrary to the secular view of God; they consider God the Creator of the universe but do not see the command in His hands.”
It is an Islamic society that follows its route by commands and prohibitions of God, and in this regard, the Holy Prophet (PBUH) is the enlightener of the path and he is the one who, according to the command of God, we must accept everything he says and avoid everything he forbids: “Whatever the Messenger has given you, take it and abstain from what he forbids you”.
Referring to another verse of the Quran which says:
“Those who divided their religion and became sects, you are not one of them”, Ayatollah Araki stated: “In this verse, God considers those who have sworn allegiance to their religion to be far from the Prophet and says: “You are not one of them” Because when they disagree on these matters, it means that they do not follow the commands and prohibitions of God, as the religion of Islam calls everyone to unity.”
He pointed out that those who oppose the Islamic identity are followers of unbeliever ruler and the unbeliever ruler identity, he said: Two identities are opposed to each other, the identity that follows the will of God and the identity that follows the will of unbeliever ruler.
Then, he referred to the verse: “Those who have faith fight in the way of Allah, and those who are faithless fight in the way of fake gods. So, fight the friends of Satan. Indeed, the stratagems of Satan are always flimsy. Those who are infidels fight in the way of unbeliever ruler and they are the guardians and followers of Satan.”
Ayatollah Araki further explained the way to strengthen Islamic society from the perspective of the Holy Quran, and emphasized: “If the Islamic community wants to become strong, it must return to its faith and divine identity, in the Holy Quran Allah (swt) says: “Do not weaken or grieve: you shall have the upper hand, should you be faithful.”
Referring to the issue of normalization of relations with the Zionist regime, the member of the Supreme Council of seminaries said: “Those who seek to establish relations with this criminal regime and are after following the Jews and Christians to secure their dignity, according to the verses of the Holy Quran, are all hypocrites. And they should know that they will never attain true glory, for the true glory belongs to God, His Messenger, and the believers; “Inform the hypocrites that there is a painful punishment for them, those who take the faithless for allies instead of the faithful. Do they seek honour with them? [If so,] indeed all honour belongs to Allah.”
In the end, referring to the power of the resistance axis, he said: “Today, dignity and power have been achieved in the axis of resistance countries. Today, dignity is in strong Gaza, victorious Lebanon, strong Iraq, Syria and Yemen. True dignity today is in the Islamic Republic and the countries that stand against tyranny.