Iraqi Airline to Hold Restricted Flights to Evacuate Nationals from Iran
Iraqi Airline to Hold Restricted Flights to Evacuate Nationals from Iran
The Iranian Civil Aviation Authority (CAO) issued on Thursday a certificate for Iraq’s flag carrier to conduct restricted flights from Iran to evacuate nationals.

TEHRAN (Iran News) – The Iranian Civil Aviation Authority (CAO) issued on Thursday a certificate for Iraq’s flag carrier to conduct restricted flights from Iran to evacuate nationals amid a renewed surge in the number of coronavirus cases in the country.

The permit comes days after Iranian authorities said they had revoked flight certificates for Iraqi Airways after the company violated the rules and carried visa-holding passengers from Iran, Press TV reported.

It also comes amid an outright ban imposed on any flights by Iranian airlines to Iraq as the government has been seeking to stop the flow of Iranian pilgrims into the Arab country to mark a special religious occasion.

The CAO reiterated that the Iraqi Airways would only be allowed to evacuate nationals from Iran and flights would not accommodate Iranian passengers.

Millions of Iranians normally go to Iraq each year in days leading to and after Arbaeen which marks the 40th day after the martyrdom anniversary of Prophet Muhammad’s grandson Imam Hussein (AS).

However, a renewed surge in the number of positive coronavirus cases in Iran has prompted the government to tighten restrictions on travel and movement.

  • source : Iran Daily