Iranian animation ‘We’ directed by Fatemeh Fadaei-Darestani is to go on screen at the 8th edition of the Women, Innovation and Technology, United Nations and Diversity (W.I.N.D) Film Festival in Hollywood, Los Angeles, October 20-22.The 3-minute short animated film, made in 2015, tells the story of two sisters who are trapped under rubbles and are […]
Iranian animation ‘We’ directed by Fatemeh Fadaei-Darestani is to go on screen at the 8th edition of the Women, Innovation and Technology, United Nations and Diversity (W.I.N.D) Film Festival in Hollywood, Los Angeles, October 20-22.
The 3-minute short animated film, made in 2015, tells the story of two sisters who are trapped under rubbles and are waiting for their father to come and save them, Mehr News Agency reported.
The American festival is a non-profit event that promotes filmmakers and talent from across continents.
Known as ‘Women’s Oscars’, the festival celebrates film, music, avant-garde and humanitarian works, specially by women, with diverse backgrounds that inspire the masses.