Villa Contemporaneous Art Gallery in Monza, Italy, is hosting, ‘A Distant Echo’, the solo exhibit of Iranian artist, Saba Masoumian for the first time, Honaronline reported.“She creates complex works rich in allusion; abandoned domestic environment in which despite being neglected, there are evident traces of human presence. Her works depict furnishings undergone wear in time, […]
Villa Contemporaneous Art Gallery in Monza, Italy, is hosting, ‘A Distant Echo’, the solo exhibit of Iranian artist, Saba Masoumian for the first time, Honaronline reported.
“She creates complex works rich in allusion; abandoned domestic environment in which despite being neglected, there are evident traces of human presence. Her works depict furnishings undergone wear in time, rusted and dripping pipes, creeping plants growing indoors, objects pulsing with life, all preserving the memory of their service in perplexing, nostalgic atmosphere,” the gallery website wrote.
Masoumian, 35, received her bachelor’s degree in graphic design from Tehran Azad University. She went on to study painting at the Accademia di Belle Arti di Bologna, in Northern Italy.
So far, she has held exhibitions in Bologna, Dubai, Hamburg, London, Berlin and New York.
The artist received the Premio Ora award in Verona, Italy, in 2015 and the Golden Pen Award at the Belgrade Biennial of Illustrations in 2007 among others.
The artworks will be on display until Nov. 25.