Provincial Cooperation Can Boost Iran-Kazakhstan Trade Ties
TEHRAN – Deputy Head for International Affairs of Iran’s Chamber of Commerce believes bolstering trade through strengthening logistic centers in ports, developing the extra-territorial cultivation, purchase and use of frigate-containers and ro-ro (roll-on/roll-off) ships by the private sectors can boost the trade between Iran and Kazakhstan.
During the videoconference meeting on facilitating trade between Iran and Kazakhstan which was held yesterday, participants reviewed the latest developments in the borders of Iran and Kazakhstan and existing problems, and they presented some solutions to remove transit problem and hurdles for imports and exports.
Mr. Karbasi pointed to the slogan of the year and emphasized that materialization of surge in production depends on exports. He expressed hope that with the existing potentials, the trade volume between Iran and Kazakhstan would touch one billion dollars.
He said due to the closure of land borders via Turkmenistan, most of Iran’s exports faced problems and the only channel for exchange of goods was the Caspian Sea and northern ports of Iran and Kazakhstan’s Aktau Port. He added that Aktau Port has its own problems regarding loading, berth and unloading and after reopening of the land border via Sarakhs border checkpoint, now trucks can take the exports to Kazakhstan but shortage of frigate-containers has created headache for land and marine transports.
He urged Iranian companies active in technical and engineering services to open offices or to get license for cooperation in Kazakhstan.
Karbasi then offered some suggestions for boosting trade relation between Iran and Kazakhstan, saying that provincial cooperation can help the bilateral ties to be strengthened. He also said strengthening the logistic centers for goods in ports of both states, developing extra-territorial cultivation, and use of frigate-containers and ro-ro ships by the private sector can bolster bilateral ties between Tehran and Astana.
Meanwhile Iran’s envoy to Kazakhstan Majid Saber, for his part, said that Kazakhstan is the second biggest country among the former Soviet Union countries and it is the biggest land-locked country in the world.
He said after the Coronavirus pandemic, Kazakhstan was the only country which did not stop its trade with Iran because in the first days, Iran assured the Kazakhs of observing all health protocols in the marine transportation.