Major Gen. Salami: The occupiers of the sacred land will be reduced to ash
Major Gen. Salami: The occupiers of the sacred land will be reduced to ash
In a message, the Commander-in-Chief of the IRGC expressed his condolences on the martyrdom of Yahya Ebrahim Hasan al-Sanwar.

Major Gen. Salami: The occupiers of the sacred land will be reduced to ash

TEHRAN (Iran News)  the Commander-in-Chief of the IRGC expressed his condolences on the martyrdom of Yahya Ebrahim Hasan al-Sanwar which is as follows:

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

Among the believers are men who have proven true to what they pledged to Allah. Some of them have fulfilled their pledge with their lives, others are waiting their turn. They have never changed their commitment in the least.
Surah Al-Ahzaab (33:23)

I extend my heartfelt congratulations and condolences to the brave Palestinian people, especially the fighters of Hamas and the Islamic Resistance Front. We honor the remarkable sacrifice and martyrdom of Yahya Ibrahim Hassan al-Sinwar, the head of Hamas’s political bureau and a legendary figure in the fight against the brutal Zionist regime.

The name of Martyr Yahya al-Sinwar now shines alongside the esteemed names of Palestinian fighters like Ahmed Yassin and Ismail Haniyeh, who were martyred in the pursuit of liberating holy al-Quds. This legacy fuels the fire of anger within the anti-Zionist resistance, and by God’s grace, in the not-too-distant future, the usurpers and occupiers of the sacred land will be reduced to ashes.

Yahya Sinwar was a brave warrior and a skilled, courageous commander born into exile and displacement. From a young age, he recognized the oppression and crimes committed by the Zionists. After enduring 23 years of imprisonment, he emerged as a seasoned resistance fighter and veteran of battle. He remained steadfast in his commitment to the anti-Zionist cause, transforming secret organizing into a robust and effective strategy. Alongside other leaders of the resistance, he played a crucial role in strengthening Hamas as a powerful organization. Following the martyrdom of Ismail Haniyeh, until the moment of his own martyrdom, his name became a terrifying nightmare for the Zionists, causing their occupying forces and supporters to tremble with fear.

He emerged as a symbol of anti-Zionist resistance, shining brightly not only within the Islamic world but also throughout the Arab region. His revolutionary spirit and strategic acumen, demonstrated by his successful leadership in the historic operations “Seif al-Quds” and “al-Aqsa Flood,” significantly weakened the seemingly invulnerable security and intelligence apparatus of the Zionist regime. These operations instilled a profound sense of strategic bewilderment among the Zionist society.

Contrary to the Zionist regime’s misleading portrayals, our beloved Martyr Sinwar embraced martyrdom not from within the hidden tunnels of Gaza, but on the front lines of battle, facing Zionist soldiers head-on. Clad in combat uniform, he commanded and guided resistance fighters in the heart of the conflict, defying the enemy’s attempts to diminish his bravery and dedication to the cause.

We pay our deepest respects to the noble soul of this high-ranking martyr. Just as the resistance movement remained strong following the martyrdom of Dr. Ismael Haniyeh and epic martyr Abu Ibrahim, so too will it continue to grow in strength and unity with the legacy of Yahya Sinwar. His sacrifice will serve as a rallying point, inspiring the ranks of anti-Zionist resistance to become an even more formidable force. With the blessings of the Almighty, and the unwavering support of the resilient Palestinian people and the “Great Resistance Front”, the oppressive grip of the United States’ rabid dog in the region will be challenged by the unwavering determination of the Muslim Ummah’s faithful warriors. The Palestinian resistance will continue to shape the rules of engagement on the battlefield. In the face of the brutal and predatory actions of the Zionists, the determination of the resistance will prevail. The capable fighters of Hamas, inspired by the legacy of Martyr Sinwar, will maintain control over the battlefield, and they will remind the Zionist enemy that escalating conflict will not provide an escape from their self-made quagmire.

  • source : isna