Bukhara: A Gem of History, Beauty, and Literature
Bukhara: A Gem of History, Beauty, and Literature
BUKHARA, Uzbekistan – On the eve of the 12th session of tourism ministers of the Organization of the Islamic Countries (OIC) in Khiva, Uzbekistan, we had this opportunity to tour some historical cities and monuments of Uzbekistan in collaboration with the Tourism Committee of Uzbekistan which was in charge of organizing the journalists and the event and Mr. Sultanov Sherzod Ikromogli, the deputy head of the committee, was in charge of leading the group of journalists in this unforgettable and dreamy visit to this country.

Bukhara: A Gem of History, Beauty, and Literature

TEHRAN (Iran News) Words sometimes stumble in narrating the beauties and breath-taking scenes but what I reflect from this visit is just a small reflection and one cannot imagine these beauties unless he visits them in person.

Nestled in the heart of Uzbekistan, Bukhara stands as a testament to the splendor of Central Asian history and culture. This ancient city, with its rich tapestry of historical landmarks, architectural marvels, and literary traditions, has captivated scholars, travelers, and poets for centuries.

Bukhara’s history stretches back over two millennia, making it one of the most storied cities in the world. It served as a major center of trade, culture, and learning on the Silk Road, connecting the East and West. The city’s strategic location made it a melting pot of various cultures and civilizations, including Persian, Mongol, and later Islamic influences.

The Samanid Dynasty: One of the most illustrious periods in Bukhara’s history was during the Samanid Dynasty (9th-10th centuries). Under the rule of the Samanids, Bukhara flourished as a cultural and intellectual hub. The dynasty’s emphasis on scholarship and the arts led to the city becoming a renowned center for Islamic learning.

Mongol Invasion and Timurid Renaissance: The city faced devastation during the Mongol invasion in the 13th century. However, it experienced a renaissance under the Timurid Empire in the 14th and 15th centuries. The Timurid rulers, particularly Timur (Tamerlane), invested heavily in the reconstruction and beautification of Bukhara, bringing it back to prominence.

Bukhara is home to some of the most exquisite examples of Islamic architecture, many of which are UNESCO World Heritage Sites.

The Ark Fortress: This massive fortress, dating back to the 5th century AD, served as the residence of Bukhara’s rulers for centuries. Its walls have witnessed numerous battles and political events, making it a symbol of the city’s enduring strength.

Kalon Minaret and Mosque: One of the most iconic landmarks of Bukhara, the Kalon Minaret, built in 1127, is an architectural masterpiece. Standing at 47 meters tall, it was spared by Genghis Khan during his invasion due to its impressive stature. The adjacent Kalon Mosque, with its vast courtyard and intricate tile work, further enhances the spiritual and aesthetic appeal of the site.


The Lyab-i Hauz Ensemble: This charming area, built around one of the few remaining hauzes (pools) in Bukhara, is a tranquil oasis. The surrounding buildings, including the Kukeldash Madrasah and the Nadir Divan-Begi Madrasah, showcase the city’s architectural splendor.

Bukhara has also been a cradle of literary and intellectual achievement. The city’s libraries and madrasahs attracted scholars, poets, and philosophers from across the Islamic world.

Al-Bukhari: Another towering figure in Islamic scholarship is Muhammad al-Bukhari, a native of the city. He is best known for compiling “Sahih al-Bukhari,” one of the most authentic collections of hadith (sayings of the Prophet Muhammad). His meticulous work has been revered in Islamic tradition for over a millennium.

Bukhara’s cultural heritage is also reflected in its spiritual significance. The city is dotted with numerous mosques, madrasahs, and mausoleums that highlight its role as a spiritual center.

The Baha-ud-Din Naqshbandi Complex: This site is dedicated to Baha-ud-Din Naqshband, the founder of the Naqshbandi Sufi order. The complex, which includes a mosque, madrasah, and mausoleum, is a pilgrimage site for many Sufis and reflects the spiritual heritage of Bukhara.

Today, Bukhara continues to enchant visitors with its well-preserved historical sites and vibrant cultural scene. Efforts to restore and maintain its architectural heritage have made it a popular destination for tourists seeking to experience the allure of the Silk Road.

Bukhara’s bazaars, filled with traditional crafts, textiles, and spices, offer a glimpse into the city’s rich artisanal traditions. The annual Silk and Spice Festival celebrates this heritage, bringing together artisans, performers, and visitors from around the world.

Bukhara, with its blend of historical depth, architectural beauty, and literary brilliance, remains a jewel of Central Asia. Its legacy as a center of trade, culture, and learning continues to inspire and attract people from all corners of the globe. As one strolls through its ancient streets and marvels at its timeless monuments, the city’s past comes alive, offering a profound connection to the history and culture of the region.

This city can be a hub for attracting tourists who are in love of turning the pages of the history and it can be a source of income for tourism industry of Uzbekistan which is blooming now.