Iran Raps US’ Detrimental Role in Afghanistan
Iran Raps US’ Detrimental Role in Afghanistan
The United States’ purposeful interference in the internal affairs of Afghanistan will further complicate the situation in the Asian country, Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian warned.

TEHRAN (Iran News) –In a meeting with United Nations Envoy for Afghanistan Roza Otunbayeva, held in Tehran on Monday, Amirabdollahian highlighted the importance that Iran attaches to stability, security and sustainable development in Afghanistan.

Denouncing the destructive role of the US during its occupation of Afghanistan, the Iranian foreign minister warned that the continuation of the US’ targeted interference in the internal affairs of Afghanistan will make the situation in the country more complicated, the Ministry’s website reported.

Iran supports the UN role in assisting the people of Afghanistan, he added.

Hailing the UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA)’s positive measures in Afghanistan over the past two decades, the minister said Iran supports the continuation of UNAM humanitarian efforts in the neighboring country.

Referring to the presence of millions of Afghan nationals in Iran, he called on the UN to pay serious attention to this issue.

“Afghanistan’s problems are complex, so we should focus on diverse and multi-layered solutions,” the top Iranian diplomat added.

He also voiced Iran’s readiness to continue supporting the initiative of Afghanistan’s neighbors to help solve the country’s problems.

For her part, Otunbayeva expounded on the latest developments in Afghanistan and the plans for the upcoming Doha 3 meeting in Qatar.

Appreciating the Iranian people and government for their warm hospitality toward Afghan people and hailing Iran’s efforts to improve their situation, she criticized the indifference of the international community to the humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan.

Otunbayeva also acknowledged the complexity of the situation and developments in Afghanistan, stressing the need to coordinate the diverse views of regional actors to contribute to development and stability in Afghanistan.

She also lauded Iran’s regional initiatives and welcomed the continuation of Tehran’s diplomatic efforts in the framework of the Afghanistan neighbors’ meeting.

  • source : tasnim