Kazakhstan Determined to Have Contribution in Resolving Global Problems
Kazakhstan Determined to Have Contribution in Resolving Global Problems
ASTANA – Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Republic of Kazakhstan says his country is determined to have more contribution for resolving regional and global disputes and problems and for this reason the country hosts many meetings for a better future in global issues.

Kazakhstan Determined to Have Contribution in Resolving Global Problems

By: F. Taherpoor

TEHRAN (Iran News) On the eve of the 21st meeting of the secretariat of the congress of leaders of world and traditional religions, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Republic of Kazakhstan Roman Vassilenko and chairman of N. Nazarbayev Center for the Development of Interfaith and Inter-Civilization Dialogue Bulat Sarsenbayev held a press conference in Astana on Monday while the secretary of the congress Azamat Ayap was also present.

At the beginning of the presser, Mr. Vassilenko briefed the media persons of the achievements of his country and many reforms done under the presidency of Qasim Jomart Tokayev and then elaborated the goals behind holding and hosting such meetings.

He said one of the policies of Kazakhstan and President Tokayev is that the country is determined to be an active player in resolving global problems and fostering international cooperation and then highlighted Astana’s commitment to promoting international cooperation.

He then referred to recent article by President Tokayev and added that Mr. Tokayev in his article emphasized about strengthening inter-civilizational dialogue and strengthening trust while the world is struggling with geopolitical turmoil.

Vassilrnko then reiterated that over the past two decades, the congress played an important role in maintaining peace and stability in Kazakhstan’s multicultural and multi-confessional society. He went on to say that Astana has proudly hosted Congress of Religious Leaders since 2003 and the last event in 2021 attracted participants from nearly 50 countries representing various religions and even the country had this honor to host Pope Francis.

Then he pointed to President Tokayev’s speech at the 78th session of the United Nations General Assembly and said that the President emphasized the importance of a cultural respect in his speech and he urged nations to reaffirm their commitment to a diplomatic solution under Charter and international law.

He added that Mr. Tokayev in his speech announced Kazakhstan’s readiness to become a regional hub for food.

Vassilenkov added that his country in 2022 attracted some $28b of foreign investment which is a record for the country and it is because of recent reforms by President Tokayev like amending the Constitution and economic reforms have been top priority for him.

Then he touched upon the achievements of the Congress and said it is aimed at resolving differences and the Congress is focused on commonalities of the religions and resolving the differences and expressed hope in the upcoming years the tensions and differences would be minimized.

Meanwhile Chairman of N. Nazarbayev Center Mr. Sarsenbayev as the host of the Congress highlighted the goals and achievements of the event and said that the number of participating religious leaders is on the rise and each meeting of Congress after exchange of views ends with issuing a declaration.

He said that the Congress is held every three years and it is aimed to resolve differences through dialogue and expressed hope leaders of religions work together to resolve problems. He reiterated that the main goal of the center for holding such event is to help differences to be resolved as Mr. Vassilenkov said one of the policies of the government is to contribute to resolving global problems and minimizing tensions.